Listen & view Henry Purcell - "The Masque" from Timon of Athens: Solo "The cares of lovers" / Solo "Love quickly is palled" / Duet, Chorus "Come, let us agree" lyrics & tabs

Track : "The Masque" from Timon of Athens: Solo "The cares of lovers" / Solo "Love quickly is palled" / Duet, Chorus "Come, let us agree"

Artist : Henry Purcell

Album : King Arthur

"The Masque" from Timon of Athens: Solo "The cares of lovers" / Solo "Love quickly is palled" / Duet, Chorus "Come, let us agree" by Henry Purcell from album King Arthur

Duration : 4 minutes & 7 seconds.

Listener : 3 peoples.

Played : 14 times and counting.

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Similar Tracks of "The Masque" from Timon of Athens: Solo "The cares of lovers" / Solo "Love quickly is palled" / Duet, Chorus "Come, let us agree"( Henry Purcell )

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