Track : 127 Myriads of Brothers (Des myriades de frères)
Artist : JW
Album : Singing Kingdom Songs
127 Myriads of Brothers (Des myriades de frères) by JW from album Singing Kingdom Songs
Duration : 3 minutes & 6 seconds.
Listener : 2 peoples.
Played : 4 times and counting.
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Out of Control
By : JW
Miss You
Also sprach Zarathustra (2001 club edit)
68, 210, 104
015 Life Without End-- At Last! (La vie sans fin)
168 Recognizing Earth's New King (Saluons le nouveau Roi de la terre)
113 We Are Jehovah's Witnesses! (Nous sommes Témoins de Jéhovah)
034 Living Up to Our Name (Portons dignement notre nom)
135 Jehovah, Our Place of Dwelling (Jéhovah notre demeure)
209 Follow the Warrior King! (Suivons le Roi guerrier)
120 Be Steadfast Life Ruth (Soyons ferme à l'exemple de Ruth)
045 A Prayer of Thanksgiving (Une prière d'action de grâce)
15, 90, 52
204, 171
12, 219
119, 109, 97
7, 100, 91
80, 76, 69
153, 17, 82
122, 134, 54
Also sprach Zarathustra (2001 radio version)
46, 70
66, 39
173, 107
96, 30
142, 111
57, 71
160, 105
Also sprach Zarathustra (club mix)
174, 196, 183
203, 102
195 This is Jehovah's Day (Voici le jour de Jéhovah)
161 Pray to Jehovah Each Day (Prie Jéhovah Dieu chaque jour)
192 Making Known the Kingdom Truth (Faisons connaître la vérité sur le Royaume)
Also sprach Zarathustra (2001 radio extended version)
072 The Joys and Fruits of Kingdom Service (Les joies et les fruits du service pour le Royaume)
154, 49, 209
8, 19, 126
155, 221, 217
170, 101
1, 191, 43