Listen & view Joanie Sommers - A Lot of Livin' to Do lyrics & tabs

Track : A Lot of Livin' to Do

Artist : Joanie Sommers

Album : For Those Who Think Young

A Lot of Livin' to Do by Joanie Sommers from album For Those Who Think Young

Duration : 2 minutes & 52 seconds.

Listener : 149 peoples.

Played : 897 times and counting.

There are guys just ripe for some kissin'
And I mean to kiss me a few!
Oh, those guys don't know what they're missin'
I've got a lot of livin' to do!
And there's wine all ready for tastin'
And there's cadillacs all shiny and new!
Got to move, 'cause time is a wastein'
There's such a lot of livin' to do!
There's music to play, places to go, people to see!
Everything for you and me!
Life's a ball, if only you know it!
And it's all just waiting for you!
You're alive, so go on and show it!
There's such a lot of livin' to do!
Such a lot of livin' to do!
What a lot of livin' to do!

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