Track : Act I: When Monarchs Unite (chorus)
Artist : New Trinity Baroque, dir. Predrag Gosta
Album : Henry Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Act I: When Monarchs Unite (chorus) by New Trinity Baroque, dir. Predrag Gosta from album Henry Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Duration : 0 minutes & 15 seconds.
Listener : 5 peoples.
Played : 5 times and counting.
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Act Iii: Thy Hand, Belinda (dido)
By : New Trinity Baroque, dir. Predrag Gosta
Act I: If Not For Mine, For Empire's Sake (aeneas)
Act Ii: Harm's Our Delight (chorus)
Act Ii: Ho Ho Ho, Ho Ho Ho! (chorus)
Act 4: No. 35 - (Rep.) Chorus "Hail! Great Parent Of Us All" (Purcell)
By : New English Voices, Accademia Bizantina & Ottavio Dantone
Act 4: No. 38 - Autumn "See My Many Colour'D Fields" (Purcell)
Act 5: No. 53 - Prelude (Purcell)
No. 8 in D minor, Z. 739
By : Henry Purcell
By : John Dryden
By ancient prophecies
Suite from the Married Beau: March
By : La Bande des Hautbois du Roi
Suite from Dioclesian: Preludio
Suite from the Married Beau: Aire
Suite from Dioclesian: Canaries
Suite from Dioclesian: Overture
Suite from Dioclesian: Symphony for trumpets and violins
Gavotte (Georgian Suite)
By : Thomas Augustine Arne
The Fairy Queen: Chorus: They shall be as happy
By : Armonico Consort
The Fairy Queen: Symphony
A Midsummernight's Dream Suite: Prelude
By : Ama Deus Ensemble
A Midsummernight's Dream Suite: Hornpipe
III. Minuet and Variations
The Tempest, Z. 631, "The Enchanted Island", Act III: Come unto these yellow sands
Konzert No. 3 A-dur für Cembalo, 2 Oboen und Streicher: III. Minuetto con variazione
Concerto in G minor for Keyboard and Orchestra: II. Adagio
Konzert No. 3 A-dur für Cembalo, 2 Oboen und Streicher: IV. Moderato
The Tempest: Ariel's Song: Where the bee sucks
Konzert No. 3 A-dur für Cembalo, 2 Oboen und Streicher: I. Con spirito I
Concerto in G minor for Keyboard and Orchestra: III. Vivace
Konzert No. 3 A-dur für Cembalo, 2 Oboen und Streicher: II. Con spirito II
Concerto in G minor for Keyboard and Orchestra: I. Largo - Allegro con spirito
Frolick and Free: Aria: "Frolick and Free, for pleasure born"
concerto per clavicembalo e orchestra in sol min. - vivace
Not all my Torments
By : Drew Minter, Paul O'Dette, Mary Springfels
Sonate No.3 en ré mineur, livre des 12 Sonates à 3 parties : Introduzione
By : Les Nièces de Rameau, Florence Malgoire, Alice Pierot, Claire Giardelli, Marianne Muller, Aline Zylberajch
Sonate No.1 en sol mineur, livre des 12 Sonates à 3 parties : Largo
Sonate No.1 en sol mineur, livre des 12 Sonates à 3 parties : Vivace
Sonate No.7 en ut majeur, livre des 10 Sonates à 4 parties : Grave Canzona
Ode, Z 337 "The summer's absence unconcerned we bear": VI. Aria (Tenor) "So happily still you your counsels employ"
Ode, Z 337 "The summer's absence unconcerned we bear": V. Trio (Alto, High Tenor, Bass) - Ritornello "Happy while all her neighbours bled"