Listen & view Those Peabodys - Animal Saturday lyrics & tabs

Track : Animal Saturday

Artist : Those Peabodys

Album : Animal Saturday

Animal Saturday by Those Peabodys from album Animal Saturday

Duration : 4 minutes & 14 seconds.

Listener : 17 peoples.

Played : 43 times and counting.

I'm flying it's an adventure
I'm flying it's an adventure

and I'm up like a bird
or like a scorpian-eagle
or maybe haven't you heard
it's been declared I'm illegal
and I know that
and I show that
in the way that I walk in the sky

and I'm up like a bird
or like a scorpian-eagle
or maybe haven't you heard
it's been declared I'm illegal
and I know that
and I show that
in the way that I walk in the sky

I'm flying it's an adventure
I'm flying it's an adventure

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