Track : Das Restaurant am Ende des Universums 59
Artist : Douglas Adams
Album : Das Restaurant am Ende des Universums
Das Restaurant am Ende des Universums 59 by Douglas Adams from album Das Restaurant am Ende des Universums
Duration : 0 minutes & 0 seconds.
Listener : 2 peoples.
Played : 2 times and counting.
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Chapter 36
By : Douglas Adams
Chapter 2 (continued): "Tricia felt as if she had been kicked in the back of the head. She blinked."
Chapter 2 (continued): "As she was getting into the elevator Tricia, slightly preoccupied, realised she had left her bag in her room..."
Chapter 2 (continued): "They went through it all a couple more times till Tricia was certain that everything that possibly could be clear was as clear as it possibly could be."
Das Sofa auf Lord's Cricket Ground
Chapter 2 (continued): "Gail Andrews was a well groomed woman in her mid-forties."
Chapter 2 (continued): "She sat on a chair in the lobby, under a kentia palm, and opened the little cellophane-windowed envelope."
Chapter 2 (continued): "The word was out that maybe, just maybe, a British accent would fit."
Chapter 2 (continued): "Spring is over-rated."
Chapter 1 (continued): "Before it blanked out for good the ship would have to pass on those instructions, ..." / Chapter 2: "One of the extraordinary things about life is the sort of places it's prepared to put up with living."
Chapter 32 (continued): "It was thin and feeble, like a voice carried on the wind from a great distance, half heard, a memory of a dream of a voice."
Chapter 1 (continued): "This made the whole problem very simple to deal with."
Chapter 31 (continued): "Beside it stood a Krikkit robot with its multi-functional battleclub." / Chapter 32: "'Hactar!' called Trillian. 'What are you up to?'"
Chapter 31 (continued): "'Oh yeah,' said Zaphod. 'It's easy for you to say that. I just told you. Anyway, I don't see what it's got to do with anything.'"
Chapter 31 (continued): "'Which means, I suppose,' said Marvin, requiring only one ten thousand million billion trillion grillionth part of his mental powers to make this logical leap, 'that you're not going to release me or anything like that.'"
Chapter 1 (continued): "Click, hum. The huge grey Grebulon reconnaissance ship moved silently through the black void."
Chapter 31 (continued): "Apart from anything else, the mere coordination of an entire planet's military strategy was taking up only a tiny part of its formidable mind, ..."
Chapter 34 (continued): "'Oh, I've heard of worse,' said Ford, 'I read of one planet off in the seventh dimension that got used as a ball in a game of intergalactic bar billiards.'"
Chapter 34: "The sun came out and beamed cheerfully at them."
Chapter 33 (continued): "''There might be a way of bringing that unconscious pattern forward.'"
Chapter 5 (continued): "'We have been monitoring you.'"
Chapter 6 (continued): "'And you want me to be its restaurant critic,' said Ford."
Chapter 6 (continued): "'Mr zil-Doggo is no longer with this organisation. His drinks trolley is, I imagine, helping to console him for this fact.'"
Chapter 6 (continued): "'What's happened?' insisted Ford."
Chapter 6 (continued): "The robot rapidly reported back to its central control that everything was now for the best in this best of all possible worlds, ..."
Chapter 6 (continued): "They checked their figures and realised that what they had actually discovered was 'boredom', ..."
Chapter 6 (continued): "Within about thirty seconds a security robot the size of a small melon came flying down the corridor at about waist height, ..."
Chapter 6: "Ford Prefect hit the ground running."
Chapter 5 (continued): "'But I don't know anything about astrology.'"
Chapter 5 (continued): "All three of them stood, slightly awkwardly in her sitting room, ..."
Chapter 33 (continued): "Arthur ran over to the two natives."
Chapter 5: "She watched it coming in from over the Henley direction with mild curiosity at first, wondering what those lights were."
Chapter 4 (continued): "'I see,' said Tricia."
Chapter 3 (continued): "This neutrino struck an atom." / Chapter 4 : "Tricia began to feel that the world was conspiring against her."
Chapter 3: "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy has, in what we laughingly call the past, had a great deal to say on the subject of parallel universes."
Chapter 2 (continued): "''Mr Martin? You mean Andy Martin at NBS?'"
Chapter 2 (continued): "A member of the hotel staff was now going round the bar asking people if they were Mr Miller."
Chapter 2 (continued): "A tiny security camera up behind the bar had turned to follow her movement."
Episode 03-1: Fit the Third
Episode 03-2: Fit the Third
Die Erde hat uns wieder, Teil 3
Die Erde hat uns wieder, Teil 2
Die Erde hat uns wieder, Teil 1
Die Erde hat uns wieder, Teil 4
Chapter 29 (continued): "The rain continued to pound the roof. Inside the shack it was warm."