Track : Der Yemenite Tanz
Artist : Dave Tarras
Album : Unknown
Der Yemenite Tanz by Dave Tarras from album Unknown
Duration : 6 minutes & 32 seconds.
Listener : 57 peoples.
Played : 111 times and counting.
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By : Dave Tarras
Yondo Semah
L'Kovid David (In Honor of David)
By : Kapelye
Gasn Nign
By : The Kharkov Klezmer Band
Di Mame Iz Gegangen
Geloybt bistu (Praised are you)
By : Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble
Esn est zikh (Eating is an easy task)
Vos vet zayn? (What will happen?)
Rebbe of Medzhibozh (trad.)
Nign of R. Mikhl Zloczower
Nign of R. Mendel Futterfass
Riboynoy shel oylom (Master of the Universe)
Midnight Prayer (Khtsos) (trad.)
Nign of R. Meir Shapiro
Omar hashem (God said)
Simkhe nigunim (Joyful Melodies; trad. Chabad)
Volynsk (trad.)
Makonovetski's Gas Nign
Cherniavsky (trad.)
Yosele Tolner (trad.)
Khabno (trad.)
Rabinovitsh (trad.)
Nikolaev (trad.)
Zeydl Rovner (Tish Nigunim) (trad.)
Brusilov (trad.)
Kiev (trad.)
Vinnitsa (Skotshne) (trad.)
A dudele
Nign hisvadus (Melody for a Gathering; trad. Chabad)
Bessaraber Zhok
By : Ot Azoj Klezmerband
Vot Ken You Makh? Es Iz Amerike! (Vot Ken You Do? It's America!)
Volekh / Bulgorski Zhok
By : Di Naye Kapelye
Simkha's Toreh
Baj van (medley)
Yismedhu/In Ades/Aron's Honga
Fun TashlaCh
By : Naftule Brandwein
Leben Zol Palestina
Nisht nor simkhe/Veynendiks
By : Brave Old World
Berlin 1990 (Sing, My Fiddle, Pt. II)
Vus bisti ketsale broyges? / Vinter 1942
Doina / Vayl ikh bin a yidale