Oh, after morning there comes the evening!
And after evening another day.
And after old love there comes the new love,
It is hard to keep those that will not stay.
My love he is the finest young man,
That ever nature framed or sun shone on.
Oh, but how to save him, I do not know it,
For he is sentenced all to be hung.
As he marched out through the streets of Derry,
I'm sure he marched up right manfully.
Being much more like some commanding officer,
Than one to hang upon the gallows tree.
But the very first step he put on the gallows,
His blooming colour began to fade.
And with bitter sighing and tender crying,
"Is there no releasement from Derry gaol?
"Where is my love, she is so long a-coming,
And what detains her so long from me?
Or does she think it some shame or scandal
For to see me hang upon the gallows tree?"
Well he looked around and he saw her coming!
As she rode faster than the wind,
"Stand back, stand back you false prosecutors
For I bear releasement all from the King.
"For I made them see they may not hang you,
And I'll crown my love all with a gown of green."