Track : Evening Comes
Artist : The Riddle
Album : Golden Collection Estrade. Rails Extended Far
Evening Comes by The Riddle from album Golden Collection Estrade. Rails Extended Far
Duration : 3 minutes & 25 seconds.
Listener : 1 peoples.
Played : 1 times and counting.
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Ya Lyublyu Tebya, Zhizn' (I Love You, Life)
By : The Riddle
Spoi Nam, Veter (Sing To Us, The Wind)
Kuda Bezhish', Tropinka Milaya (Where You Run, A Footpath The Darling)
Song Of The Driver
Is Better There Is No That To Color
Why, Why
Propoite Mne Razluku (Sing Me A Parting)
Schast'e Moe (My Happiness)
Zachem Lyubit', Zachem Stradat' (What For To Love, What For To Suffer)
Kol'ka (Nicholas)
Puskai Mogila Menya Nakazhet (Start Up A Tomb Me Will Punish)
Vasil'ki (Cornflowers)
Golubi (The Pigeons)
Solovushka (Nightingale)
Vot Vecher Vechereet (Evening Comes)
Zhizn' Tak Neslozhna (Life So Is Simple)
Dym Tvoikh Papiros (Smoke Your Cigarettes)
V Bol'nitse Bol'naya Lezhala (In Hospital The Patient Lay)
Nu Chto Stoish' Ty Slovno Statuya (Well, What You Stand Like A Statue)
Daite Khodu Parokhodu (Give The Course Of The Steamer)
Ukryvayas' Ot Nochnogo Vetra (Hiding From The Night Wind)
Kari Glazki (Brown Eyes)
Pervaya Lyubov' (The First Love)
Byvali Dni (There Were Days)
Oh, Blooming Viburnum
I Ya Byla Devushkoi Yunoi (And I Was A Young Girl)
Kholodno, Kholodno (Cold, Cold)
Where You Run, A Footpath The Darling
I Love (Inhaling Roses Aroma)
There Were Days
And I Was A Young Girl
Cold, Cold
Rails Extended Far
Sing Me A Parting
Lilac-bird Cherry
Clouds Over A City Have Risen
Sing To Us, The Wind
I Was Standing At A Small Station
The First Love
In My Soul Of Rest Isn't Present
Alex Love
In A Dugout
Black Raven, The Friend Stray
Bonfires Are Lit Far
Lilac Fog