Listen & view Bruno Merz - For You Now lyrics & tabs

Track : For You Now

Artist : Bruno Merz

Album : Departing from Crowds

melancholy Like life as we know it for your ears only TopFav

For You Now by Bruno Merz from album Departing from Crowds

Duration : 3 minutes & 42 seconds.

Listener : 6470 peoples.

Played : 28515 times and counting.

Come away, come away
leave it all far behind you.
‘Cos it’s not who you are and it’s not what you wanted.
And I can see, I can see
the strength there inside you.
Calling you
come away to where you’re bright eyed and hopeful.
As a child is this how,
you saw yourself all grown up.
‘Cos I believe, I believein your smile I see someone else.
Coming through, coming through
like the sun-rays that kiss your face.
Like they always have done
and they always will for you now.
And everything will be alright now, alright
And everything will be alright now, alright
And everything will be alright now, alright
And everything will be alright now, alright

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