Listen & view Zap Mama - Gbo Mata (Station) lyrics & tabs

Track : Gbo Mata (Station)

Artist : Zap Mama

Album : A Ma Zone

chillout Minority language

Gbo Mata (Station) by Zap Mama from album A Ma Zone

Duration : 3 minutes & 23 seconds.

Listener : 1426 peoples.

Played : 4901 times and counting.

Gbo gba nso matane
N' gbo n' gbo ha
Gbo gba nso matane
He, he
I play my station
At the start of the game
I never give my name
I grant myself
These very special powers
The virtual powders
Now I'm surfing
I'm jumping
I'm crawling
And I'm
As I progress through the games
I get my virtual powers
The virtual powers, powders
Now I'm surfing
I'm jumping
I'm flying

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