Listen & view The Wendys - Gobbledygook lyrics & tabs

Track : Gobbledygook

Artist : The Wendys

Album : Gobbledygook

Gobbledygook by The Wendys from album Gobbledygook

Duration : 3 minutes & 19 seconds.

Listener : 333 peoples.

Played : 1185 times and counting.

Sunburst, you know just where you are at
Sundance, you know, you can scratch your own back
Fillet your own slice out of a hack
I've seen you so; I've seen you so
Go for the gap, with your gift of the gab
And I know that you're out
But you're on your own back
Go for the gap with your gift of the gab
Cos I smile that your on
That you're on your way back
Loveless, looks down, you know you are mad
Turkey, steal bus back home through the flack
Turnip, your nose dives into the park
I've seen you so; I've seen you so

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