Listen & view Paul Roberts - King of Your Heart lyrics & tabs

Track : King of Your Heart

Artist : Paul Roberts

Album : Slowdown

King of Your Heart by Paul Roberts from album Slowdown

Duration : 4 minutes & 24 seconds.

Listener : 31 peoples.

Played : 64 times and counting.

If fortune smiles we're going to build the foundation
if fortune smiles we're going to build the foundation

I've been wonderin' wondering too long
wonderin' all over this world
I've been living living this song
song about the love of a girl

Destination place unknown
uncharted territory
quick decision to get out of town
spinning my wheels to be free

If I can be the king of your heart
you will be loved and we will never be torn apart
King of your heart

If fortune smiles we're going to build the foundation

We were talking, light of the moon
talking 'bout how it could be
I was ramblin' rambling on
you fell asleep next to me

Morning glory the glory of love
isn't this how it should start
you'll be the object of all my desires
and I'll be the king of your heart

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