Listen & view Melody Club - Let's Celebrate lyrics & tabs

Track : Let's Celebrate

Artist : Melody Club

Album : Palace Station


Let's Celebrate by Melody Club from album Palace Station

Duration : 3 minutes & 1 seconds.

Listener : 644 peoples.

Played : 3095 times and counting.

oh won't you come and see the show
let's get together and get below
and now you're back I think it's great
let's get together and celebrate

oh baby how does it feel
oh tell me how does it feel
my sweet baby how does it feel
oh tell me how does it feel

and when we step into the night
let's get together and make it right
and you still take my breath away
let's get together and celebrate

and if you don't know what to do
come on over we're missing you
and you will be our guest today
let's get together and celebrate

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