Listen & view Otto Knows - Million Voices (Superstar DJs Edit) lyrics & tabs

Track : Million Voices (Superstar DJs Edit)

Artist : Otto Knows

Album : Unknown

Million Voices (Superstar DJs Edit) by Otto Knows from album Unknown

Duration : 0 minutes & 0 seconds.

Listener : 9 peoples.

Played : 21 times and counting.

Is this what... of the night
Will you join me till the morning light
Dance the night away cause if it's right
You can't stop me, noh X 2
You can't stop me, noh
You can't stop me, noh
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
You can't stop, you can't stop, you can't stop
No, no, no, no, no, no

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