Track : O Maria, noli fiere
Artist : Joglaresa
Album : Unknown
O Maria, noli fiere by Joglaresa from album Unknown
Duration : 0 minutes & 0 seconds.
Listener : 197 peoples.
Played : 525 times and counting.
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Miyyah fi miyyah (Todros Abulafia of Castille (d. 1306))
By : Joglaresa
Esta Muntanya d’enfrente
Paxarico (Sarajevo, Bosnian Sephardic)
¿Porké yorach blanca niña? (Alexandria/Sofia/Esmirna, Egyptian Sephardic)
Cantiga (Instrumental, Medieval Spanish)
¿Onde que tope una queís placiente? (Greek Rembetiko)
Ya hamaami (Rabbi Yehuda Halevi of Tudela (d. 1146))
Dzagh e poonch (Instrumental, Traditional Armenian)
Abenámar, Abenámar (Spain/Tetuan/Saloniki, Moroccan Sephardic)
Cupurlika (Instrumental, Balkan Sephardic)
Al pasar por Casablanca (Larache/Tangier, Moroccan Sephardic)
Vals Casablanca (Improvisation)
A kasar el rey salía (Sofia, Bulgarian Sephardic)
Djirineldo, Djirineldo (Tetuan/Oran, Moroccan Sephardic)
Al habib hujib (Todros Abulafia of Castille (d. 1306))
Cantiga de Santa Maria #117
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CSM 37
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Can she excuse
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Edi beo thu hevene quene: Edi beo thu hevene quene
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Como poden per sas culpas: Como poden per sas culpas
Sus, pastoureu di mountagno
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Toute soule passerai/NOTUM
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Ave, plena gracie/Salve, virgo regina/APTATUR
Non es meravelha s'eu chan
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Anc no mori per amor ni per al
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Muort' orami
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Música de la Catalunya Medieval: Hymn BMV: Virgo Dei mater et filia
Jesu Rex admirabilis
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Talenz m'est pris orendroit (instrumental)
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Hui matin a l'ajournee
Bread And Light
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O Virum omnimoda / O lux et decus / O beate Nicholae
CSM70 Eno nome de Maria
Con Que la Lavaré
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Pavana Española
Pastourelle "Dehors Lonc Pré"
Les Gaudets: Menuet et Rigaudon
Contredanse "La Sincérité"
Lei Grand Dansaïre: Premier "Er Dei Dansaïre"
Second "Er Dei Dansaïre"
Andantino Pour Deux Flûtets Et Tambourins