Track : Pineapple Poll 1 - Opening dance
Artist : The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company
Album : Operas of Gilbert and Sullivan
Pineapple Poll 1 - Opening dance by The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company from album Operas of Gilbert and Sullivan
Duration : 3 minutes & 39 seconds.
Listener : 0 peoples.
Played : 0 times and counting.
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He Loves! If In The Bygone Years
By : The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company
Now let the loyal lieges gather round
Here is a case unprecedented
On such eyes as maidens cherish
And are you going a ticket to buy?
My Lord, a suppliant at your feet I kneel
To help unhappy commoners
And now to choose our brides
Sad is a woman's lot who, year by year
Revolution Chorus, 'To Arms you gods and demi-gods'
Couplets, 'I thought that death would be more painful'
Hell Chorus, 'It's party time in hell'
Couplets, 'Ah when a woman's heart is yearning'
Duet, 'Come, come, come'
Rondo salterelle, 'A skip, a hop'
Entrance of Orpheus and Public Opinion
Act One - If Somebody There Chanced to Be
Act Two - Happily Coupled Are We
Act One - Sir Rupert Murgatroyd
Then, Frederic, Let Your Escort Lion-Hearted
Hail, Men 'o War's Men
When a merry maidem marries
Pray observe the magnaminity
When you had left the pirate fold
Stay, Frederic, Stay
And what is this, and what is that
Oh, shameless one, tremble!
Oh! Chancellor unwary
Young Strephon is the kind of lout
Love, unrequited, roba me of my rest
Thank you, gallant gondolierei
Oh, false one, you have decived me!
Come, let's away
Then away we go to an island fair
Tower wardes under orders
Forbear my friends
HMS Pinafore - Orchestral
The Yeoman of the Guard - Orchestral
Pineapple Poll 1 - Poll's dance and pas de deux
Pineapple Poll 1 - Belaye's solo
Pineapple Poll 1 - Pas de trois
Act Two - Its clear that medieval art alone retains its zest
Act One - Your maiden hearts
Act One - Come walk up and purchase with avidity