Listen & view The Seer - Please lyrics & tabs

Track : Please

Artist : The Seer

Album : Organic

Please by The Seer from album Organic

Duration : 4 minutes & 42 seconds.

Listener : 90 peoples.

Played : 291 times and counting.

In a week or in a year or two
I know that I'll be back to you
And I'll bring you flowers from the grave
Where you've buried our love
I know you wanted to give up
But I keep missing you

I know that we have just begun
So many things are still undone
But I know that I need someone
Where you are is where I belong

Please don't go away come on and stay
By my side
Please hear what I say this is our day
This is the turning of the tide
The turn of the tide

I'm here right before your eyes
I'm here to give back your goodbies
I'm in the mood for love
I'll take a drink of your perfume
I'll make it all rise up soon
You'll know I'm back for good

I know that we have just begun
So many things are still undone
But I know that I need someone
Where you are is where I belong



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