Listen & view 이상은 - Reincarnation (Vocal Version) lyrics & tabs

Track : Reincarnation (Vocal Version)

Artist : 이상은

Album : Asian Prescription

Reincarnation (Vocal Version) by 이상은 from album Asian Prescription

Duration : 3 minutes & 15 seconds.

Listener : 29 peoples.

Played : 93 times and counting.

The edge of the night sky's robe
Skims the surface of earth
Then, a soul holds on to it
The way how it clung to it's mother
He's turning to a star
In the deep serene sky, now looking down on me
And the sky seems to be the God's eye
Let us cherish the love from former life
There's no light in this time and space
May I remember those memories of love
Though millions of years will fly away
One of the flowers might wither and die
And then another one will be born again
Rain falls to river and
The river will become the rain again
Souls falling down to the life and the world
Another one's crusing across the sky
Looking for every love from ancient time
On and on ...
In a unknown small town, there's always dawning calm
A soul holds on to the sunlight
Under the deep blue-eyed sky
Shivering and crying out loud
Because, we don't know why
The reason we come back to
This life full of divine secrets

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