Listen & view John Dowland - Sleep, wayward thoughts lyrics & tabs

Track : Sleep, wayward thoughts

Artist : John Dowland

Album : The Complete Vanguard Recordings, Volume 1: Folk Songs and Ballads

abacus lute radio

Sleep, wayward thoughts by John Dowland from album The Complete Vanguard Recordings, Volume 1: Folk Songs and Ballads

Duration : 2 minutes & 13 seconds.

Listener : 444 peoples.

Played : 1311 times and counting.

Sleep, wayward thoughts, and rest you with my love:
Let not my Love be with my love diseas'd.
Touch not, proud hands, lest you her anger move,
But pine you with myl ongings long displeas'd.
Thus, while she sleeps, I sorrow for her sake:
So sleeps my Love, and yet my love doth wake.
But, O the fury of my restless fear!
The hidden anguish of my flesh desires!
The glories and the beauties that appear,
Between her brows, near Cupid's closed fires,
Thus while she sleeps, moves sighing for her sake:
So sleeps my Love, and yet my love doth wake.
My love doth rage, and yet my Love doth rest:
Fear in my love, and yet my Love secure:
Peace in my Love, and yet my love oppress'd:
Impatient, yet of perfect temperature.
Sleep, dainty Love, while I sigh for thy sake:
So sleeps my Love, and yet my love doth wake.

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