Listen & view Patti LaBelle - Stay In My Corner lyrics & tabs

Track : Stay In My Corner

Artist : Patti LaBelle

Album : Gems

soul female vocalists pop classic 90s

Stay In My Corner by Patti LaBelle from album Gems

Duration : 5 minutes & 21 seconds.

Listener : 351 peoples.

Played : 1299 times and counting.

If you stay, stay darline,
Stay in my corner.
You'll make me ohh so proud, just stay.
To the world, i cry i cry how i love you, honey i love you
I really do.
Please, stay.
And I will never, never, never let you down, just stay.
Cause i will need you always around to tell me you love me.
Why don't you say that you do.
Ohh they'll be times, when i may fail,
And i'll need your, your, your good of love to sometimes comfort me.
Bitter days may prevale.
But just a kiss from you will make them sweet to.
Ohh why don't you stay, why don't you, why don't you, stay yeah, stay with me baby.
Stay stay, just a kiss from you, will make them sweet, make them swsweet darline.
Ohh stay, why don't you stay, why don't you stay in my corner.
Stay, honey I love you
Why don't you stay
Stay with me
Stay with me baby
Why don't you stayyyyyyyyyyy
Why don't you stay with me baby, stay darline, don't chu don't chu don't, don't don't leave me don't forsake me.
Babyi need you to stay in ly life
I, I do baby, for the rest of my life

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