Listen & view Endless Mike and the Beagle Club - The Call is Coming From Inside the House lyrics & tabs

Track : The Call is Coming From Inside the House

Artist : Endless Mike and the Beagle Club

Album : The Husky Tenor

The Call is Coming From Inside the House by Endless Mike and the Beagle Club from album The Husky Tenor

Duration : 5 minutes & 10 seconds.

Listener : 388 peoples.

Played : 2823 times and counting.

Houses don't know that they're houses
Pets dont know they're your pets
They spend their whole lives confined to those houses, they've got nothing to compare it with

Hipsters don't know that they're hipsters
Bad guys don't think that they're bad
People don't know that they're teaching eachother
To want only what they can't have

So what don't I know that I am?
What don't you know that you are
I feel like driving, all night with my brother
In a car that doesn't know it's a car

And the sun doesn't know it sustains us
And the clock doesn't know it's on time
So every 29th of february, every four years
Somehow it doesn't feel like much in our minds
But this song doesn't know that its empty
And this room doesn't know its a sign
And people keep driftin' in and out of my life
They don't even know that its wrong

Only a fool speaks in absolutes
They never know that they are
What if tonight we just all cleansed ourselves
In stars that don't know that they're stars
Cause what if it's really that easy?
We only think that we know that it's hard

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