Listen & view Gilbert & Sullivan - The Mikado: Act I. “And have I journey’d for a month” (Nanki-Poo, Poo-Bah) lyrics & tabs

Track : The Mikado: Act I. “And have I journey’d for a month” (Nanki-Poo, Poo-Bah)

Artist : Gilbert & Sullivan

Album : The Mikado (Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Pro Arte Orchestra feat. conductor: Sir Malcolm Sargent)

The Mikado: Act I. “And have I journey’d for a month” (Nanki-Poo, Poo-Bah) by Gilbert & Sullivan from album The Mikado (Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Pro Arte Orchestra feat. conductor: Sir Malcolm Sargent)

Duration : 0 minutes & 0 seconds.

Listener : 2 peoples.

Played : 2 times and counting.

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