We got sunlight on the sand,
We got moonlight on the sea,
We got mangoes and bananas
You can pick right off the tree,
We got volleyball and ping-pong
And a lot of dandy games!
What ain't we got?
We ain't got dames!
We get packages from home,
We get movies, we get shows,
We get speeches from our skipper
And advice from Tokyo Rose,
We get letters doused with perfume
We get dizzy from the smell!
What don't we get?
You know darn well!
We have nothin' to put on a clean white suit for
We got nothin' to look masculine and cute for...
There is nothin' like a dame,
Nothin' in the world,
There is nothin' you can name
That is anything like a dame!
We feel lonely and we long for
For the fair and gentle sex
We would like to feel the feeling
Of some arms around our necks
We feel as hungry as the wolf felt
When he met Red Riding Hood
Now what don't we feel?
We don't feel good!
Lots of things in life are beautiful, but brother,
There is one particular thing that is nothin' whatsoever
In any way, shape, fashion, or form to do with any other
There is nothin' like a dame,
Nothin' in the world,
There is nothin' you can name
That is anything like a dame!
There are no books like a dame
And nothin' looks like a dame
There are no drinks like a dame
And nothin' thinks like a dame
And nothin' acts like a dame
Or attracts like a dame
There ain't a thing that's wrong with any man here
That can't be cured by pullin' him near
A girly, womanly, female, feminine dame!