Listen & view Action Adventure World - They Kidnapped The Princess (Intro) lyrics & tabs

Track : They Kidnapped The Princess (Intro)

Artist : Action Adventure World

Album : Unknown

They Kidnapped The Princess (Intro) by Action Adventure World from album Unknown

Duration : 0 minutes & 0 seconds.

Listener : 17 peoples.

Played : 131 times and counting.

Let's get it on baby.... you have nothing to worry about when you're with me...
They Kidnapped the princess... ruined our picnic
They Kidnapped the princess... ruined my day
They Kidnapped the princess... They wrecked my picnic
They Kidnapped the princess... Time to pay
I am the knight who lives in your nightmares
Cross me and I'll cross out your eyes
You ruined my picnic in the cemetery
Asutaroto get ready to die.... Die
Motherfucker.... Let's Go

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