Track : Tirsi mio, caro Tirsi
Artist : Salamone Rossi
Album : Il Mantovano Hebreo
Tirsi mio, caro Tirsi by Salamone Rossi from album Il Mantovano Hebreo
Duration : 2 minutes & 29 seconds.
Listener : 2 peoples.
Played : 2 times and counting.
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Gia del volto: Part II
By : Salamone Rossi
Sonata sesta in dialogo detta la Viena
Corrente terza
Brando secondo
Sinfonia seconda
Gagliarda quinta detta Amor Perfetto
Sonata seconda
III. Galliarda detta la Zambaina (from Libro II, No. 24)
No. 4. Eftach na sefatai
The Songs of Solomon: Eftach na sefatai
Gagliarda ottava detta il Verducale
Sinfonia quinta
Sinfonia terza
Sinfonia prima
The Songs of Solomon: Ele mo'adei Adonai
The Songs of Solomon: Mizmor l'Asaf
The Songs of Solomon: Shir lamma'alot, essa einai
Corrente settima
The Songs of Solomon: Lamnatseach 'al hagitit mizmor l'David
The Songs of Solomon: Ein Kehloheinu
The Songs of Solomon: Al Naharot navel
Sonate, symphonie … e retornelli, Op. 8: Passamezzo concertato
Lemi ehpots la'asot yeqar
The Songs of Solomon: Shir hamma'alot l'David, Lulei Adonai
The Songs of Solomon: Shir hamma'alot, ashrei kol yare Adonai
The Songs of Solomon: Keter (Kedushah)
The Songs of Solomon: Odecha ki anitani
Ele mo'adei adonai
The Songs of Solomon: Barchu
The Songs of Solomon: Mizmor l'David
The Songs of Solomon: Yigdal
The Songs of Solomon: Haleluyah, ode ladonai
The Songs of Solomon: Hashkiveinu
The Songs of Solomon: Eftach shir bisfatai
The Songs of Solomon: Elohim Hashiveinu
Cor mio, deh non languire
'Al naharot bavel (ps.37)
The Songs of Solomon: Lamnatseach 'al hasheminit mizmor l'David
The Songs of Solomon: Haleluyah, ahsrei ish yare et Adonai