Listen & view Shaina Noll - You Can Relax Now lyrics & tabs

Track : You Can Relax Now

Artist : Shaina Noll

Album : Songs for the Inner Child

spirit within indie folk favorites beautiful

You Can Relax Now by Shaina Noll from album Songs for the Inner Child

Duration : 5 minutes & 21 seconds.

Listener : 2557 peoples.

Played : 13339 times and counting.

You can relax now
C'mon and open your eyes
Breathe deeply now
I am with you
Oh my sweet sweet child
Who do you think you are?
You are the child of God
And that will never change.
You had a dream, you misunderstood
You thought we were separate
But now you hear my voice and
You can relax now
C'mon and open your eyes
Breathe deeply now
I am with you
You are the love of my life
You are my one creation
You are eternity
And that will never change.
You had a dream, you misunderstood
You thought we were separate
But now you hear my voice and
You can relax now
C'mon and open your eyes
Breathe deeply now
I am with you
You are the love of my life
You are my one creation
You are eternity
And that will never change.
You can relax now
I am with you
You are the child of God
And that will never change.
You can relax now
You are the child of God

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