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兩隻老虎 (Two Tigers)
蜜蜂做工 (The Bee Work)
蝴蝶 (Butterfly)
醜小鴨 (The Ugly Duckling)
布穀鳥 (Cuckoo)
螢火蟲 (Firefly)
拔蘿卜 (Pull Up Carrots)
蟋蟀合唱 (Cricket Chorus)
小花貓 (The Tabby Cat)
鴿子 (Pigeon)
小蜻蜓 (Little Dragonfly)
一隻小麻雀 (A Sparrow)
小青蛙 (Little Frog)
母鴨帶小鴨 (Mother Duck With the Ducklings)
生日快樂 (Happy Birthday)
泥娃娃 (The Doll of Clay)
螞蟻愛工作 (Ants Like Working)
哈巴狗 (Pekinese)
老雞罵小雞 (The Older Chicken Condemns the Younger Chicken)
一個蝌蚪 (A Little Tadpole)
小白兔愛跳舞 (The Little White Rabbit Like Dancing)
小馬 (Colt)
小小企鵝 (Ice Blade Penguin)
小星星 (Starlet)
媽媽好 (Mother Is Nice)
老狐狸 (Old Fox)
懶惰阿貓 (A Lazy Cat)
小羊 (Eanling)
小烏龜遠足 (The Little Turtle Gets a Walking Trip)
造飛機 (Made the Plane)
小毛驢 (Little Donkey)
隻要我長大 (As Long As I Grow Up)
妹妹背著洋娃娃 (Younger Sister Carries the Doll on Her Back)
伊比亞亞 (Yi Bi Ya Ya)
頭兒肩膀膝腳趾 (Head Shoulder Knee Toe)
小白船 (Small White Boat)
早安息 (Get Sleep Early)
王老先生有塊地 (Old Macdonald Had a Farm)
問候歌 (Greeting Song)
我愛上學 (I Like to Go to School)
火車快飛 (Here Comes the Train)
我的朋友在那裏 (My Friends Are There)
小天使 (Little Angel)
娃娃國 (Dolldom)
小老鼠 (Mouselet)
春天來到 (The Spring Is Coming)
茉莉花 (Jasmine)
小乖乖 (Poppet)
我的家 (My Family)
一個拇指動一動 (Move Your Thumb)
三輪車 (Tricycle)
刷刷牙 (Brushing the Teeth)
舞獅 (Lion Dance)
微笑頌 (Smile Song)
搖籃歌 (Wiegenlied)
聖誕老公公 (Santa Claus)
大西瓜大饅頭 (Big Watermelon Big Mantou)
國慶節 (National Day)
小朋友 (Children)
倫敦鐵橋跨下來 (London Bridge Is Falling Down)
月亮高高 (The Moon's Riding High)
玩具國 (Toy Country)
彈鋼琴 (Play the Piano)
平安回家 (Safe Go Home)
再會歌 (Good Bye Song)
哈哈笑 (Laughing)
遊戲 (Game)
拍手遊戲 (Hand Clapping Game)
懶惰蟲 (Lazybones)
老師 (Teacher)
大家歡笑 (We Laugh)
甜美的家庭 (Sweet Family)
郊遊 (Outing)
放風箏 (Fly a Kite)
歡迎小小過路人 (Welcome the Passer)
點人數 (Count Noses)
猜拳 (Morra)
玩具的音樂 (Toys' Music)
跳繩 (Rope Skipping)
跳舞歌 (Dance Song)
耳朵兩個 (Two Ears)
蹺蹺板 (Teeter-Totter)
蝸牛與黃鸝鳥 (Snail and Yellowbirds)
當我們同在一起 (When We Were Together)
Do Re Mi
我來唱一首歌 (I Want to Sing a Song)
萬花筒 (Kaleidoscope)
小樂隊 (Small Band)
下課鍾聲 (Dismiss Bell Ring)
魚兒水中遊 (Fish Swimming Under Water)
蘭花草 (Orchid Grass)
野兔餓了 (The Hare Is Hungry)
國旗 (National Flag)
風鈴草 (Canterbury Bell)
搖船 (Boating)
說哈囉 (Say Hello)
找到一個朋友 (Find a Friend)
鍾 (Bell)
保羅的小雞 (Paul's Chicken)
好朋友 (Good Friend)
讀書好 (Study Is Useful)
微風吹過原野 (A Breeze Winnowing the Feild)
山上的孩子 (The Children Living in the Mountains)
康定情歌 (Love Song of Kangding)
菊花開 (The Chrysanthemums Are in Bloom)
燈籠花 (Chinese Enkianthus)
木瓜歌 (Pawpaw Song)
椰子 (Coconut)
潑水歌 (Labber Song)
母親 (Mother)
野玫瑰 (Wild Rose)
康定情歌 (Love Song of Kangding)
桔梗花 (Balloon Flower)
上學 (Go to School)
請和謝謝 (Please and Thanks)
人人至上 (Everyone Is King)
加油歌 (Play Up)
開學了 (School Begins)
菩提樹 (Bodhi Tree)
巷口伯伯 (Neighbor)
公雞不見了 (The Cock Has Disappear)
含羞草 (Sensitive Plant)
蘭 (Orchid)
媽媽的眼睛 (Mom's Eyes)
遊子吟 (The Poem About the Man Travelling or Residing in a Place Far Away from Home)
憶兒時 (Think About Childhood)
西風的話 (The Westwardly Wind's Words)
青春舞曲 (Dance of Youth)
杜鵑花 (Azalea)
老鬆樹 (Old Pinaster)
花 (Flower)
點仔膠 (Asphaltum)
牽牛花 (Morning Glory)
鄉下姑娘 (Country Girl)
就寢 (Go to Bed)
小女孩 (Little Girl)
風光無限美好 (Endless Vistas)
放學歌 (After School Song)
本事 (Ability)
誰最快樂 (Who Is Most Happy)
大家一起哈哈笑 (We Are Laughing)
歡喜與和氣 (Gladness and Kind)
每事問 (Care About Everything)
春神來了 (Spring God Is Coming)
母親您真偉大 (Mother, You Are Mighty)
虹彩妹妹 (Rainbow Sister)
靜夜星空 (A Starry Silent Night)
梅花 (Plum Blossom)
白鵝學唱歌 (The Goose Learns to Sing)
采蓮謠 (Lotus Picking Song)
鳳尾草 (Bracken)
天黑黑 (Dark Sky)
掀起你的蓋頭來 (Lift your Veil)
長白山上 (On the Changbaishan)
漁家 (Fisherman's Family)
踏雪尋梅 (Plum Blossoms in the Snow)
太陽出來了 (Here Comes the Sun)
鄉下老鼠 (The Country Mouse)
搖呀搖 (Shake Shake)
再試一下 (Try Again)
紙折船 (The Ship Made By a Paper)
農夫歌 (Farmer Song)
顛倒歌 (Reversal Song)
竹葉船 (Bamboo Leaf Boat)
小螳螂 (Little Devil Horse)
數蛤蟆 (Count Toad)
林間小唱 (Singing in the Woods)
快樂的小魚 (Happy Little Fish)
向上看向下看 (Look Up Over See)
銀波綠舟 (Silver Water Green Boat)
秋柳 (Autumn Willow)
快樂的人生 (Happy Life)
離故鄉 (Leave Hometown)
春野 (Haruno)
小花帽 (A Small Colorful Hat)
快樂的向前走 (Happy Go Straight)
掀起你的蓋頭來 (Lift your Veil)
長白山上 (On the Changbaishan)
漁家 (Fisherman's Family)
蒙古牧歌 (Mongolian Pastoral Song)
踏雪尋梅 (Plum Blossoms in the Snow)
家 (Home)
快樂的小鳥 (Happy Bird)
小烏鴉 (The Raven Chick)
麻雀學校 (Sparrows School)
春天好 (Spring Good)
健康寶寶 (Healthy Baby)
遠足 (Hike)
螞蟻搬豆 (Ants Carrying Beans)
愛跳舞的小朋友 (The Child Like Dancing)
神秘的森林 (Mysterious Forest)
野餐 (Picnic)
我愛鄉村 (I Love Country)
馬撒永眠黃泉下 (Massa's in the Cold Ground)
在那遙遠的地方 (From Afar)
卡布裏島 (Capri)
搖嬰仔歌 (Wiegenlied)
太湖船 (Taihu Lake Boat)
凱歌 (Paean)
小黃鸝鳥 (A Little Yellowbird)
小小羊兒要回家 (Sheep Will Return Home)
一根扁擔 (A Shoulder Pole)
小牧童 (The Little Shepherd)
馬車夫之戀 (The Groom's Love)
聞笛 (Hear Fluting)
沙裏洪巴 (Sha Li Hong Ba)
都達爾與瑪麗亞 (Du Daer and Maria)
紫竹調 (Purple Bamboo Song)
晨郊 (Morning Suburb)
一隻小鹿 (A Little Deer)
小黃鸝鳥 (A Little Yellowbird)
小小羊兒要回家 (Sheep Will Return Home)
一根扁擔 (A Shoulder Pole)
農村曲 (Country Music)
荷包蛋 (Poached Egg)
我願山居 (I Want to Live in Hill)
小牧童 (The Little Shepherd)
老漁翁 (Old Fishman)
馬車夫之戀 (The Groom's Love)
聞笛 (Hear Fluting)
老黑爵 (Old Black Baron)
沙裏洪巴 (Sha Li Hong Ba)
都達爾與瑪麗亞 (Du Daer and Maria)
紫竹調 (Purple Bamboo Song)
牛犁歌 (Farm Cattle Song)
稻草裏的火雞 (Turhey in the Chook)
捕魚歌 (Fishing Song)
珍重再見 (Take Care Good Bye)
農村好 (Country Good)
丟丟銅 (Throw the Coppers)
往事難忘 (The Past Is Unforgettable)
快樂的鐵匠 (Happy Blacksmith)
噢!蘇珊娜 (Oh Suzanna)
肯達基老鄉 (Ken Ta Ji Fellow - Townsman)
長城謠 (Song of the Great Wall)
高山青 (High Mountain)
栗祭 (Chestnut Sacrifice)
狂歡舞曲 (Revel Dance)
再會吧!原野 (Good Bye Weald)
秀才騎馬弄弄來 (Xiucai Rides a Horse)
鱒魚 (Bulltrout)
啊頓河 (Oh Don river)
夏夜鄉居 (One Summer Night Live in the Country)
西北雨直直落 (Northwest Raining)
我的家鄉 (My Hometown)
恒春民謠 (Heng Chun Volkslied)
台灣小調 (Taiwan Ditty)
桑塔露琪亞 (Santa Lucia)
采茶謠 (Tea Picking Song)
紅龜粿 (Red Turtle Cake)
夏天裏過海洋 (Sailing Cross the Seas in Summer)
羞羞羞 (Shame Shame Shame)
再會吧!原野 (Good Bye Weald)
河水 (River Water)
一隻鳥仔哭啾啾 (A Bird Crying)
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