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The cleanest impostor win you'll ever see...
I managed to fake weapons in front of EVERYONE
How to win when people are on vitals 3 seconds into the game?
Among Us but you can only say 3 words per meeting
Hiding a body strategy used in a $25,000 Among Us tournament?
He walked in on my body collection...
The BEST impostor 1v7 you will ever see... (5up Among Us gameplay)
Pulling off the dream 1v6 against Toast and Pokimane
My most SATISFYING Jester win... everyone was fooled.
My best impostor performance yet...
This lobby was on a 4 hour crewmate win streak... then I joined.
5up + Russel impostor duo is a crew's worst nightmare..
Turning this accidental bait into a genius impostor play...
My partner got voted instantly but this FAKE SCAN play saved the game...
The greatest lie ever told in Among Us history...
The forbidden 9th crew strat finally comes in clutch...
I spent the day going for the RISKIEST kills possible and it finally paid off...
Well played by 5up and... Asim?
When 5up gets impostor in a FULL TROLL lobby...
How I mind controlled the entire lobby into voting 2 crewmates...
Among Us except the 3 impostors are ANONYMOUS and can kill each other
We managed to stack bodies and win in ONE ROUND...
Using 900 IQ gaslighting techniques to make no one suspect me...
Hiding a body in the sneakiest way possible...
Among Us except the impostors can make vents ANYWHERE
The smartest FAKE JESTER play I've ever pulled off...
The kill that hard cleared BOTH impostors...
How to win when EVERYONE is hard cleared...
Failed double kill turns into the most UNEXPECTED 8000 IQ play
The BEST impostor 1v7 you will ever see.. (5up Among Us gameplay)
When 5up goes tryhard on Mira...
5up goes on a killing spree in Among Us!
How we mind controlled all the crewmates to sus each other...
Showing people the Among us Easter egg with Proximity voice chat
This may be the hardest anyone's ever been marinated before...
I reported EVERY BODY in this game
I walked in on HIS body collection this time!
xQc and I have PERFECT impostor synergy
Everyone suspicious of me mysteriously disappears...
Now THIS is how you self report...
The Best Impostor in Among Us
The self report that fooled everyone...
Ever wonder what competitive Among Us looks like?
The most trustworthy impostor in Among Us
Among Us except we replaced impostors with 3 Mafia members
Framing crewmates is just too satisfying...
Best way to win as Impostor? Throw your partner under the bus ;)
I was bet $100 I couldn't win this impostor game
The deadliest impostor combo in Among Us...
When you're too good at not telling the truth...
I’ve peaked as impostor after these games...
Getting away with the fastest double kills...
I full cleared myself as impostor and WON
Among Us except it's a horror game with FLASHLIGHT VISION
Kills so clean the crewmates clear both impostors...
Among Us but it's Prop Hunt with an impostor
Stacking bodies right under their noses...
How I Broke Their 1 hour 30 minute Crewmate Win Streak
When 5up goes rogue as Snitch...
Looking at crewmates weird and getting voted out for it...
My most impressive vent kill yet...
I had no choice but to marinate him...
The 2000 IQ vent play that confused everyone...
Who needs sabotages when you can close doors? Killing EVERYONE as impostor on Skeld...
How to get HARD CLEARED from your own kills
5up and Toast are MASTERS of confusion...
How I won $8000 in an Among Us Tournament
This is why you never leave impostor 5up alive on 6...
I picked them off all by myself...
When 5up gets sweaty as impostor...
“5up please don’t put this game on YouTube...”
Impostor except everyone has MAX SPEED
Speedrunning Impostor in Among Us
Among Us but you can't say colors or names
Among Us except every meeting the map changes
The most unexpected impostor ending ever...
Clean kills and even cleaner vents...
This may be my cleanest kill yet...
Winning in Among Us Twitch Rivals with no sus at all...
We threw off the ENTIRE lobby with one double kill...
The self report that confused all the crewmates...
I was caught red handed but we clutched out FOUR KILLS in one round...
How many kills can I get venting ON TOP of crewmates?
Pokimane and I have PERFECT impostor synergy...
Vent plays on Skeld are just too satisfying...
Why 5up is usually dead first round as crewmate
Getting away with the weirdest kills...
How to Clutch When Your Partner Gets ZERO Kills...
We pulled off the cleanest kills with NO SUS whatsoever...
“5up how did you even win that...?”
Who needs an impostor partner anyway?
3 Impostors in 1 game? (5up and Sleepy game) Among Us
How to PERFECTLY frame a double kill on two crewmates...
How Sapnap and I pulled off the perfect frame...
Pulling off the most 500 IQ impostor vote bait ever...
The Longest Among Us Game of All Time
The Funniest Game of Among Us LOVERS Ever... (modded airship)
Only going for the SPICIEST plays...
stacking bodies with my new JUMPSCARE IMPOSTOR tactic... (modded airship)
Pulling off perfect vision range plays...
Speedrunning all my impostor games... no mercy.
EVERYONE was the impostor in this one...
How I saved the game with the FASTEST comms play ever
My Most CREATIVE Arsonist Play Yet...
How do I always get the best Jester wins?
When the marination strat goes horribly wrong...
Playing 2 steps ahead to outsmart the Sheriff...
Impostor plays so clean the whole lobby clears me...
5fu RETURNS on Submerged!! The New O2 Sabotage Is Terrifying… (modded)
My bloodiest impostor game yet...
my GREATEST jester performance yet... their reactions were priceless. (modded airship)
cleaning bodies RIGHT NEXT to crewmates and getting full cleared for it... (modded)
Speedrunning all my Skeld impostor games... no mercy.
We Broke The Airship Impostor Speedrun WORLD RECORD
We stacked FOUR bodies next to each other in specimen...
My partner got outed round 1 but this sabotage play was too clutch...
Throwing my own partner under the bus for the 2000 IQ impostor clutch
I've never tried so hard for an impostor clutch before...
This is what PERFECT impostor synergy looks like
The fastest vent kills you'll ever see...
Where's the water???
Sneak 100 in Among Us
Pretending to be impostor and catching killers with proximity chat
Lovers except we abuse the 200 IQ TOILET STRAT... (modded)
What if I just killed off cooldown?
Among Us but we play like it’s a public lobby
My new 5000 IQ manipulation tactic...
This Among Us mod lets impostors place vents ANYWHERE...
So I made a pact with Corpse...
Baiting the other impostor with cams... more ANONYMOUS impostor mod fun!
Confusing the crewmates with 3000 IQ vent plays
How I gained the entire lobby's trust and used it to backstab them
My sneakiest stack kill ON TOP of the cameraman...
The greatest frame in Among Us history...
Using 4000 IQ hard reads to find the impostors...
Sniping perfect kills between crewmates is too satisfying...
No witness? No problem...
Among Us but I make all the crewmates blame each other
Skeld doors make camping bodies just too easy...
Sacrificing my impostor partner to pull off the clutch win...
Stacking bodies on Polus is just too easy...
I had them all wrapped around my fingers...
When 5up finally gets Jester...
The impostor duo you've been waiting for...
Self Reporting on Airship Is TOO GOOD! Getting the hang of the new map...
this *NEW* ASSASSIN impostor role lets you KILL IN MEETINGS... (modded airship)
Our most satisfying double kill yet...
Perfect impostor plays made everyone blame each other...
Sussed every second? Won anyway...
When 5up decides to show no mercy...
Trying weird impostor tactics today...
My Most LEGENDARY Snitch Game
This map was made for impostor mind games...
THROWING my partner under the bus for the SOLO IMPOSTOR CLUTCH of a lifetime...
Crewmates were so confused they started voting themselves...
The Stack Kill That Confused EVERYONE...
Sniping vent kills like a MADMAN on Airship...
My cleanest lights kill yet...
Catching a Rogue Venter After Being Sussed ALL GAME on Airship...
the SNEAKIEST assassination I've ever pulled off... (modded submerged)
Pulling off the riskiest ninja impostor plays...
I got HARD CLEARED on 10 and killed everyone for it!
This 1000 IQ impostor vote bait clutched the game for us
He forced my hand...
This is next level marination...
He got what he deserved...
Catching BOTH Impostors in Among Us Twitch Rivals
We turned the worst kill into the BEST frame...
The best triple kill finisher you'll ever see...
I am the best at the NEW Imposter modded role
High stakes impostor plays in the world's first $10,000 Among Us tourney
The World's FIRST Triple Stack Kill?
confusing EVERYONE with my SOLO GRENADIER flashbang strat... (modded airship)
*NEW MAP* Submerged is finally here!! First impostor win with NEW VENTS
I Have MASTERED The Airship Vents.
How many times can we get away with it??
Using PERFECT vision plays to kill in plain sight and get away with it...
Pulling off the most impossible impostor win...
The sneakiest impostor in Among Us
You’ve never seen an impostor 1v7 like this before...
Mira turns the impostor mind games to another level...
Their biggest mistake was leaving me alive on 4...
How I took down EVERYONE as the solo Bomber 💣
Desync almost ruined one of my cleanest kills...
What happens when two S-Tier impostors team up...?
Lying my way out of the worst possible situations...
Risky Skeld Plays...
I pulled off my finest MINDGAME against the *NEW* ASSASSIN impostor role... (modded airship)
We killed in front of EVERYONE and convinced them it was a crewmate...
Among Us except impostors can MORPH into crewmates
The CRAZIEST Among Us Mod Yet...
Ruining crewmate win streaks in 2 different Skeld lobbies
I managed to douse EVERYONE as the *NEW* ARSONIST role! (modded airship)
Impostor on Mira leads to the most unexpected plays...
No one suspects me until it's too late...
*NEW* BOMBER role turns CREWMATES into IMPOSTORS and makes them FIGHT TO THE DEATH...
Toast and I finally get to pop off as impostors
Speedrunning impostor again but with mods...
We ran it back and ROLLED the entire lobby...
The Funniest Double Kill in Among Us Ever
Killing in front of someone turns into a 9000 IQ impostor TRAP...
Among Us but the entire game is backwards
3 Impostors in 1 game?
So this Among Us mod adds a GIANT ROBOT...
How I Killed EVERYONE With Absolutely Zero Sus...
I pulled off the SNEAKIEST kill under everyone’s noses…
Mind Controlling Crewmates To Clear Me For My Own Kills
The best worst double kill finisher in Among Us...
*NEW* TIME LORD role lets you REWIND TIME! this might be the STRONGEST role yet...
The most unfortunate Among Us game I've played yet...
I pulled off the BEST Shapeshifter play yet... everyone was confused.
how I MANIPULATED the ENTIRE LOBBY off ONE KILL... they'll never trust me again.
ENDLESSLY sussing my impostor partner from round one... my favorite strat.
I had to betray her...
this *NEW* GRENADIER impostor role is TOO MUCH FUN! (modded airship)
Baiting the Sheriff to misfire is just too satisfying...
Among Us but crewmates play on the lowest vision settings possible
Framing my impostor buddy with sneaky vent plays...
Among Us - Submerged Custom Map (Reveal Trailer)
Fastest Executioner win in Among Us history
SOLO VOTING out the impostors with the *NEW* MAYOR role! (modded airship)
The Most STRESSFUL Crewmate Game I’ve Ever Played
Toast and I finally get to pop off as impostors!!
When getting caught was all part of the plan...
Going for the riskiest kills finally pays off...
Jester except my viewers help me FOOL EVERYONE... (submerged)
True Deception in Among Us
Why does no one believe me when I'm crew?
The NEW Among Us Airship Map Is Finally Here!! 5up's First Impressions
My CLEANEST Airship Impostor Game Yet...
My FIRST TIME getting this GAME CHANGING role on Submerged...
We massacred everyone then pulled the ultimate MIND GAME on 5…
CAST SPELLS and kíll DURING MEETINGS with the *NEW* Witch role!! (custom mods)
This risky round one play won me the entire game...
Did they really think this role was balanced?
I adopted my own 3rd impostor...
I got my kill cooldown to 0 seconds in this game
I managed to ignite EVERYONE as Arsonist in just TWO MEETINGS... (modded)
*NEW* impostor role colorblinds everyone to make INSANE plays... (submerged)
I'm so sorry Tubbo...
They'll never find these bodies...
MIMIC and HACK other players as the *NEW* GLITCH role! (modded airship)
I played the BEST Arsonist game OF MY LIFE... (modded airship)
New Impostor Challenge: Fake Tasks and Kill Everyone ALPHABETICALLY
5up's First IMPOSTOR Game on Airship!! So Many Vents...
Why you should never trust your imposter partner...
I pulled the greatest VENT FRAME in Among Us history
How I Fooled Everyone With Just One Vote
Solving the game in 2 rounds as LOVERS... (modded submerged)
I killed both Crewmates and Impostors as DEADLY GLITCH MOTH
attempting the Sheriff DOUBLE REVERSE BAIT to out the impostor... (modded)
Assassin 5up Makes Submerged Vents EXTRA DEADLY... (modded)
Proximity chat takes impostor plays to another level...
The Funniest Round in Among Us Ever
Teaching a masterclass in manipulating crewmates...
When Glitch 5up and both impostors try to OUT MIND GAME each other...
When impostor 5up goes tryhard on Airship...
This Is Why You NEVER Call Comms on Airship
The hardest lights battle against... my impostor partner??
3 medbay clears in one round? Time to throw my partner under the bus...
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