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Listen & view Alexei Lubimov, Natalia Pschenitschnikova's lyrics & tabs
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modern classical
female vocal
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Top Tracks of Alexei Lubimov, Natalia Pschenitschnikova
A Flower
The Wonderful Widow Of Eighteen Springs
Cage: Dream
Experiences No. 2
Nowth Upon Nacht
She Is Asleep
The Unavailable Memory Of
Cage: The Wonderful Widow Of Eighteen Springs
III. At East And Ingredients
A Room
II. Is It As It Was
1. little four paws
2. little Christmas tree
5. Tumbling hair
3. in Just-
4. hist whist
Prelude For Meditation
Music Of Marcel Duchamp
Dream, Var.
Cage: A Flower
Cage: Experiences No. 2
Cage: A Room
Cage: The Unavailable Memory Of
Five Songs: 2. little Christmas tree
Five Songs: 1. little four paws
Five Songs: 3. in Just-
Five Songs: 4. hist whist
Music for Marcel Duchamp
I. Twenty Years After
Cage: Music For Marcel Duchamp
Cage: Nowth Upon Nacht
Cage: Five Songs - 1. Little Four Paws
Five Songs - 1. little four paws
Five Songs - 2. little Christmas tree
Two Pieces for Piano: 1.
Two Pieces for Piano: 2.
Five Songs: 5. Tumbling hair
Five Songs - 5. Tumbling hair
Cage: Prelude For Meditation
Three Songs - II. Is It As It Was
Cage: Three Songs - III. At East And Ingredients
Cage: Three Songs - II. Is It As It Was
Three Songs - III. At East And Ingredients
Cage: Five Songs - 2. Little Christmas Tree
Cage: Five Songs - 4. Hist Whist
Cage: Five Songs - 5. Tumbling Hair
Cage: Five Songs - 3. In Just-
Five Songs - 3. in Just-
Five Songs - 4. hist whist
Three Songs: II. Is it as it was
Three Songs: III. At East and ingredients
Cage: Two Pieces For Piano (1946) - I
Cage: Two Pieces For Piano (1946) - II
Cage: She Is Asleep - She Is Asleep
Cage: Dream, Var.
Three Songs: 2, Is it as it was
Three Songs: 3. At East and ingredients
Two Pieces for Piano: I
Two Pieces for Piano: II
Three Songs - I. Twenty Years After - Three Songs - II. Is It As It Was - Three Songs - III. At East And Ingredients
Two Pieces For Piano (1946): II
Two Pieces For Piano (1946): I
Five Songs : 5. Tumbling Hair
John Cage: A Flower
John Cage: Music for Marcel Duchamp
John Cage: The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs
John Cage: The Unavailable Memory of
John Cage: Dream
II. Duet for voice and prepared piano: She Is Asleep
Cage - Three Songs - II. Is It As It Was
Cage - Three Songs - III. At East And Ingredients
Cage - Three Songs - I. Twenty Years After
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