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Top Tracks of Giant Dwarf
Golden Walrus
Black Thumb
The Deluge
Disco Void
Strange Wool
Repeat After Defeat
High Tide Blues
Tv Witch
#1. The Audition
#2. It Like She Me
#6 . Non-Lethal Witchbolt with Andrew Hansen
#5. Wagon Dragons with Jordan Raskopoulos
#4. Hey, I'm Worgin' Here! with Jordan Raskopoulos
#2.01. Indeed I Am Swole with Edan Lacey
#7. Aren't All Bags Bags of Holding with Tom Walker and The Bear Pack
#8. It True, Me Your Nightmare with Tom Walker & The Bear Pack
#3. The Less Theatrical Hobgoblin with Jordan Raskopoulos
#2.06. The Bravest Man In Wickshire with Carlo Ritchie
#2.04 - That's Why You Eat Carbs with Eve Beauregard
#2.02. Classic Six Behaviour with Edan Lacey
#12. I Step Into The Moonlight with Bish Marzook and Jordan Raskopoulos
#2.05. Some Kind of Jazz Werewolf with Carlo Ritchie
#9. Big Mistake. HUGE Mistake with Tom Walker
#11. A Valuable Addition to Our Team with Bish Marzook
#2.03. A Level One Handsome Man with Eve Beauregard
#10. Shut up, I Look Great with Tom Walker
#2.09. This Is Who I Am with Tom Walker
#67. Bec Melrose - Your Totem Animal
#2.08. Was Me Even Eating Thyroid with Ben Jenkins
#34. Simon Greiner - Après-Life
#2.12. I'm The 9 In This Relationship with Zoe Norton-Lodge
#2.07. A Skellington Walkie-Talkie with Ben Jenkins
#27. David Cunningham - No Dicks on Encarta '95
#39. Alex Lee - People Never Forget How You Made Them Feel
Arthur's Starship
#3. Kirsten Drysdale - Taking The Piss
#87. Cassie Workman - Mermaid
#68. Osher Günsberg - Grunting, Swatting and Flinching
Giant Dwarf
#58. Nakkiah Lui - Tragedy
#23. Masha Gessen - Passing Kafka's Grave
#17. Patrick Magee - The Hero Gotham Deserves
#90. Benedict Hardie - It's Rare
#89. Penny Greenhalgh - The Old Times Cafe
#88. Zoë Norton Lodge - Tequila
#26. Annaliese Constable - No One I'd Rather Be Fighting With
#57. Mark Sutton - Other People Are Even Worse
#35. Patrick Magee - Dead Bodies Made Out of Candles
#18. Zoë Norton Lodge - 1987
Guitar Solo
#53. David Cunningham - Camp Awful
#52. Phil Spencer - Zip Zop Zap
#51. Jessica Tuckwell - No Strategy
#1. Derrick C. Brown - No Purple
#38. David Harmon - The Leech
#28. Amanda Brotchie - Arsenic
#32. Zoë Norton Lodge - Vangelli
#9. Rebecca Huntley - Inconsistencies With The Presentation of The Pasta Special
#33. Patrick Lenton - What Would Buffy Do
#2. David Marr - 500 Ruined My Marriage
Guitar Solo
#16. Ben Jenkins - The Baby
#3.03. Me Know What Mansplaining Is Now
#92. Rob Carlton - When You Are Ready To Sing
#98. Ben Jenkins - 50 Oysters
#101. Nikki Britton - Juliet
#134. Cathy Wilcox - Polite But Firm
#97. Matt Roden - Between The Aristocracy and a Cartoon Duck
#164. Zoë Coombs Marr - Catfished By A Fat Elf
#85. Susie Youssef - The Popcorn of the Middle East
Drum Solo
#84. J.R Hennessy - The Billionaire's Runaway Bride
#102. Alex Lee - the high maintenance Bride
#95. Sam Paine - Good, Old-Fashioned Mad
#94. Lewis Hobba - Recast Between Seasons
#65. Rebecca Shaw - Slip Slop Slap
#2.10. This Plan Seems Solid with Tom Walker
#2.13 That's So Weird, The Vampire Named Strahd too with Zoe Norton-Lodge
#10. Ben Jenkins - Stealing 101
#8. Toby Schmitz - The Not-Butch Talky Pirate
#5. Zoë Norton Lodge - Mamma Fish
1. Golden Walrus
2. Black Thumb
45. Lucy Valentine - Stalin Would Have Been A Gamer
7. Ben McLeay - Space Is Bullshit
Special: A Very Dragon Chrisfriends with the Dragon Friends (Part 2)
4. Alex Lee - White People Are Making My Neighbourhood Less Edgy
#19. Richard Cooke - A Heavily Crab-Based Strategy
#2.11 But I'm Riding A She-Orc with Zoe Norton-Lodge
#37. David Cunningham - The Viziers of Suicide Valley
#24. Eddie Sharp - Och Aye
#42. Susie Youssef - Because Figs are Very Expensive
#46. David Marr - The Last Taboo
#47. Ben Jenkins - Eight Minutes
#25. Alex Lee - Pooping on the Devil's Head
#43. Lewis Hobba - Christmas Kraken
#45. Benjamin Law - Hey, Beijing!
BONUS SONG - Mark Sutton and Benny Davis - Do You Hear What I Hear?
#40. Zoë Norton Lodge - Objets d'Bullshit
#49. Zoë Norton Lodge - Like an Ostrich in a Flesh Desert
#48. Kate Browne - No, Roy. No.
Thick Air
#49. Zoë Norton Lodge - Like an Ostrich in a Flesh Desert
#48. Kate Browne - No, Roy. No.
Thick Air
Bustin Skampy
Giant Dwarf - The Deluge
#3.01. When Do We Get The Fancy Clothes
#3.02. Girlfriends with Bridie Connell and Tom Walker
#5. Wagon Dragons
4. Kepler
#145. Alex Lee - Can Pregnant Ham?
5. Repeat after Defeat
#105. Toby Schmitz - White-Knuckled, Tentative Terror
#4.15. Inadvisable Space Combat with Emma Balfour
#107. Penny Greenhalgh - Gratuitously Bizarre
#96. Zoë Norton Lodge - It Was The 90s
#81. Phil Spencer - Pike Basher
#82. Zoë Norton Lodge - Business Is Hard
#83. Richard Glover - Doriath
BONUS EPISODE: Vanessa Alexander - Bleed For You
62. Michael Chamberlin - I Didn't And Neither Should You.
#93. Cathy Wilcox - Do You Not Know How To Lie?
61. Jen Wong - Punctuality Is Overrated
#1. Annabel Crabb: You Shall Have All The Towels You Require
#20. Jonathan Holmes - New Years Eve 1974
Rebroadcast: Kate Mulvany - He Shall Be Called Hammerstein
#154. Andrew Henry - Super Fan
#110. David Cunningham - How Soon Power Corrupts
#136. Matthew Mitcham - A Human Doing
#149. Jacqueline Maley - Within Throwing Distance of the Bogside
#137. Bec Melrose - Like A Tiger
#133. Zoë Norton Lodge - You Must Buy Me Two Bus Tickets
The Deluge * MaRs OnAir * Mixed Rock & Metal *
#113. Eddie Sharp - Modern Medical Marvel
#166. Cait Harris - Pruned Extremities
#167. James Colley - Bullied By A Goose
#90. Michelle Brasier - Oh Cool, Life Experience
The Deluge - 2019
High Tide Blues - 2019
#143. Georgia Norton Lodge - A Young Greek Lady Macbeth
6. Strange Wool
8. The Deluge
3. Disco Void
07 - High Tide Blues
#144. Zoë Norton Lodge - Hollywood Is Calling
08 - The Deluge
#78. Tom Walker - Keep Out, Just Torches
#148. Ben Jenkins - How To Make Friends
7. High Tide Blues
#4.20. Ensorcelled with Montaigne and Demi Lardner
85. Jacinta Gregory - My Boyfriend Was Replaced By A Clone That Dumped Me
80. Alistair Baldwin - A Lifehack for the Able-Bodied
33. James Hennessy - Am I Stuck In A Slide Or Is Our Society?
27. Gen Fricker - Acknowledge That I'm A Maori Princess
Cloud Jumps
#3.15. The Singing Water Company
#4.20. Ensorcelled with Montaigne and Demi Lardner
85. Jacinta Gregory - My Boyfriend Was Replaced By A Clone That Dumped Me
17. Benjamin Law - Let's Celebrate How Well We Tell White Stories.
#2.15. I'm Just Gonna Punch Someone with Carlo Ritchie
#3.04. I've Never Seen A Gooch That Couldn't Be Improved with Bridie Connell
24. Nakkiah Lui - Give Me Your Money.
#44. Hannah Reilly - Throw The Bread, Girlie!
#73. Jordan Raskopoulos - Stop! (War)Hammer Time
#13. Cait Harris - Playing Dead
#61. Allan Clarke - Pants Off, Red Dust
3. Eleanor Robertson - Babies Are The Least Woke People
6. Eve Beauregard - Plot Privilege Is Real
#66. David Cunningham - Anointed With Gravy
9. A.H. Cayley - The Most Important Masterchef Dish Of All
8. Kirsten Drysdale - Another Issue With The Very Bad Islamic State
5. Sebastian Hernage - The Dumb Boat That Broke
#30. Rob Carlton - Continuity
#36. Jack Gow - A Geriatric Al Capone
#29. Benedict Hardie - Late Night Chubb Rage
#12. Mark Sutton - As Nonchalantly As Possible, Run Away
#60. Phil Spencer - The Boylads
#14. Kate Mulvany - Into The Mintox Unknown
Special: A Very Dragon Chrisfriends with the Dragon Friends (Part 1)
#4. Tommy Dassalo - A Menagerie of Warthogs
#4. Hey, I'm Worgin' Here!
10. James Colley - Calling Me An Angry White Male Makes Me So Angry.
14. Lane Sainty - A Plebiscite On Every Marriage
#63. Melina Wicks - Just Pretend To Be Normal
#11. Jordan Raskopoulos - A Dog Can Dream
#59. Patrick Lenton - Thwacked With The Baton of Adulthood
#55. Kate Mulvany - He Shall Be Called Hammerstein
#2.16. Six Thousand Uncontrollable Buttholes
#6. David Cunningham - Confetti at a Shame Parade
#21. Kate McClymont - Finding a Reliable Hitman
2. Rebecca Shaw - Cory Bernardi Is Right
#41. Richard Glover - Volka
11. Miranda Tapsell - Why Hasn't Beyonce Solved The Energy Crisis?
#7. Annabel Crabb - I Come From a Land Down Under
#37. David Cunningham - Viziers of Suicide Valley
#3. The Less Theatrical Hobgoblin
1. Ben Jenkins - If We Had To Take The Shot
7. Ben McLeay - Space Is B******t
#50. Alex Lee - Thinking Too Much About Hands
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