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Top Tracks of Linkstarzelda
[Touhou]- Rumia's Theme: Apparitions Stalk the Night ~ Remix
[Touhou]-Utsuho's Theme: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom-Nuclear Fusion ~ ☢ 2ºRemix
[Touhou~Vocal] - Crazy Hot
[Touhou]- Marisa's Theme: Love-coloured Master Spark ~ 5ºRemix
Crazy Hot
[Touhou~Vocal] - WARNING!
[Touhou]- Marisa's Theme: Magus Night ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]- Utsuho's Theme: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom - Nuclear Fusion ~ 4ºRemix
[Touhou]- Sakuya's Theme: Flowering Night ~Remix
[Touhou]-Hina's Theme: Dark Side of Fate ~ 2º Remix
[Touhou]-Flandre's Theme: U.N Owen was her? ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]- Sakuya's Theme: Lunar Clock-Luna Dial ~ 5ºRemix
[Touhou]-Meiling's Theme: Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17 ~Remix
[Touhou]-Ran's Theme: A Maiden's Illusionary Funeral - Necro-Fantasy ~Remix
[Touhou]-Suika's Theme: Missing Power ~Remix
Wonderful Heaven
[Touhou~Vocal] - あげぽよTONIGHT (Agepoyo TONIGHT) - (Full)
[Touhou]- Mystia's Theme: Deaf to all but the Song ~Remix
[Touhou]- Sekibanki's Theme: Dullahan Under the Willows ~ 5ºRemix
[Touhou]- Kagerou's Theme: Lonesome Werewolf ~ 2ºRemix
[Touhou]- TKM Extra Theme: Alice in Wonderland ~Remix
[Touhou]-Medicine's Theme: Poison Body-Forsaken Doll ~Remix
[Touhou]- Parsee's Theme: Green-Eyed Jealousy ~ 2ºRemix
[Touhou]- Youmu's Theme: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird - Till When? ~ 4º Remix
[Touhou]-Marisa's Theme: Magus Night ~Remix
[Touhou]- Raiko's Theme: Primordial Beat - Pristine Beat ~ 2ºRemix
[Touhou]- Suwako's Theme: Native Faith ~ 4ºRemix
[Touhou]-Kaguya's Theme: Lunatic Princess ~Remix
[Touhou]-Yukari's Theme: Necrofantasia ~Remix
[Touhou]-The Prismriver's Theme: Phantom Ensemble ~Remix
[Touhou~Vocal] - Wonderful Heaven
[Touhou]- IN Stage 6 Theme: Voyage 1969 ~Remix
[Touhou]- Seija's Theme: Reverse Ideology ~ Remix
[Touhou]-Sanae's Theme: Faith is for the Transient People ~ 2ºRemix
[Touhou]- Kaguya's Theme: Lunatic Princess ~ 2ºRemix
Touhou-Lunatic Eyes Invisible Full Moon Remix
[Touhou]-TD Stage 4: Desire Drive ~Remix
Sakuya's Theme: Lunar Clock-Luna Dial (5ºRemix)
Utsuho's Theme: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom-Nuclear Fusion ~ 2° Remix
操り人形の館 (SOUND HOLIC)
Dark Side of Fate
Lunatic Eyes Invisible Full Moon Remix
[Touhou]-Yoshika's Theme: Rigid Paradise ~Remix
[Touhou]-Reimu's Theme: Maiden's Capriccio-Dream Battle ~Remix
[Touhou]- The Prismriver's Theme: Phantom Ensemble ~ 3Remix
Utsuho's Theme: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom - Nuclear Fusion ~ 4ºRemix
【東方】Seiga's Theme: Old Yuanshen - Piano
Flandre's Theme: U.N Owen was her? ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]-Marisa's Theme:Love-coloured Master Spark ~Remix
[Touhou]- MoF Stage 4 Theme: Fall of Fall - Autumnal Waterfall ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]- MoF Stage 4 Theme: Fall of Fall - Autumnal Waterfall ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]-Tenshi's Theme: Wonderful Heaven ~Remix
[Touhou]-Utsuho's Theme: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom-Nuclear Fusion ~ ☢Remix
[Touhou]- Alice's/PCB Stage 3 Theme: Doll Judgement /The Doll Maker of Bucuresti ~Remix
Scarlet Syndrome
[Touhou]-Nue's Theme: Heian Alien ~2º Remix
[Touhou]-Yukari's Theme: Necrofantasia ~ 2ºRemix
[Touhou]-Sakuya's Theme: Lunar Clock-Luna Dial ~2º Remix
[Touhou]- The Prismriver's Theme: Phantom Ensemble ~ 3ºRemix
Last Reharts
[Touhou]- Keine's Theme: Plain Asia ~3ºRemix
Faith is for the Transient People ~ 2ºRemix
-Medicine's Theme: Poison Body-Forsaken Doll ~Remix
[Touhou]- PCB Extra Stage Theme: Charming Domination ~Remix
[Touhou~Vocal]- ∅ ~Rabbit who went to the moon~
[Touhou]- Koishi's Theme: Hartmann's Youkai Girl ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]-Remilia's Theme: Septette for the Dead Princess ~2ºRemix
[Touhou~Relax]- Keine's Theme: Plain Asia
[Touhou~Vocal] - 童祭 〜 for Wedding On Vocal
[Touhou]- Youmu's Theme: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird - Till When? ~ 5ºRemix
[Touhou~Vocal] - 最果てのコトバ
[Touhou]-Remilia's Theme: Septette for the Dead Princess ~Remix
[Touhou]-Youmu's Theme: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird-Till When? ~Remix
[Touhou]- Reimu's Theme: Maiden's Capriccio-Dream Battle ~ 4ºRemix
[Touhou]- PCB Stage 6 Theme: Ultimate Truth ~ 2ºRemix
[Touhou]- Alice's Theme: The Grimoire of Alice ~Remix
Lunar Sinner
[Touhou]- Alice's Theme: Doll Judgment ~ 3ºRemix
Alice's Theme: Doll Judgment 3ºRemix
[Touhou]- Chen's Theme: Diao ye zong (Withered Leaf) ~Remix
[Touhou]-Yuugi's Theme: A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt Ooe ~2º Remix
[Touhou~Relax]- MoF Stage 3 Theme: The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
[Touhou]- Sekibanki's Theme: Dullahan Under the Willows ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]- EoSD Extra Stage Theme: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls ~Remix
[Touhou]-Sakuya's Theme: Lunar Clock-Luna Dial ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]- Youkai Mountain Theme: Ridiculous Game ~2ºRemix
[Touhou]-TD Stage 6 Theme: A Small Desire's Starry Sky ~Remix
[Touhou]- Suika's Theme: Missing Power ~ 4ºRemix
[Touhou]- DDC Extra Stage Theme: Thunderclouds of Magical Power ~ Remix
[Touhou]- Cirno's Theme: Beloved Tomboyish Daughter ~ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]-Utsuho's Theme: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom-Nuclear Fusion ~ ☢ 3ºRemix
[Touhou]- Benben's and Yatsuhashi's Theme: Illusionary Shamisen Recital ~ Remix
東方Touhou Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17
[Touhou]-Flandre's Theme: U.N Owen was her? ~ 2ºRemix
[Touhou]-Parsee's Theme: Green-Eyed Jealousy ~Remix
[Touhou] - Rumia's Theme: Apparitions Stalk the Night ~ Remix
[Touhou]-SA Extra Theme: Last Remote ~Remix
[Touhou]- PCB Stage 6 Theme: Ultimate Truth ~Remix
[Touhou]- PCB Stage 6 Theme: Ultimate Truth ~Remix
[Touhou]- EoSD Stage 3 Theme: Shanghai Teahouse - Chinese Tea ~Remix
[Touhou]-EoSD Stage 4 Theme: Voile, the Magic Library ~Remix
[Touhou]- Raiko's Theme: Primordial Beat - Pristine Beat ~ Remix
[Touhou]-Kanako's Theme: Suwa Foughten Field ~ 2ºRemix
Rigid Paradise ~Remix
[Touhou]- SA Extra Theme: Last Remote ~ 2ºRemix
[Touhou]-The Prismriver's Theme - Phantom Ensemble ~2ºRemix
[Touhou]-Koishi's Theme: Hartmann's Youkai Girl ~ 2Remix
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