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Lect.01 What Are “Tools of Thinking”?
Lect.02 Which Tools of Thinking Are Basic?
Lect.03 Platonic Intuition, Memory, and Reason
Lect.04 Intuition, Memory, and Reason—Problems
Lect.05 Sense Experience—A More Modern Take
Lect.06 Observation and Immediate Inferences
Lect.09 Ancient Logic in Modern Dress
Lect.07 Further Immediate Inferences
Lect.11 The Limits of Sense Experience
Lect.10 Systematic Doubt and Rational Certainty
Lect.08 Categorical Syllogisms
Lect.14 Induction Is Slippery but Unavoidable
Lect.13 Proper Inferences Avoid Equivocation
Lect.12 Inferences Demand Relevant Evidence
Lect.23 Postmodern and New-Age Problems
Lect.20 Modern Logic—Truth Tables
Lect.15 The Scientific Revolution
Lect.22 Modern Logic—Predicate Arguments
Lect.19 “Normal Science” at Mid-Century
Lect.21 Modern Logic—Sentential Arguments
Lect.16 Hypotheses and Experiments—A First Look
Lect.24 Rational Empiricism in the 21st Century
Lect.17 How Empirical Is Modern Empiricism?
Lect.18 Hypotheses and Experiments—A Closer Look
Lect.15 The Scientific Revolut
Lect.23 Postmodern and New-Age
Lect.16 Hypotheses and Experim
Lect.17 How Empirical Is Moder
Lect.14 Induction Is Slippery
Lect.07 Further Immediate Infe
Lect.18 Hypotheses and Experim
Lect.12 Inferences Demand Rele
Lect.13 Proper Inferences Avoi
Lect.11 The Limits of Sense Ex
Lect.06 Observation and Immedi
What Are “Tools of Thinking”?
Lect.02 Which Tools of Thinkin
Which Tools of Thinking Are Basic?
Lect.03 What is Philosophy of Religion?
Stories, Moral Progress, And Culture Reform
Lect.01 What is Philosophy?
Platonic Intuition, Memory, and Reason
Non-Justificatory Theodicies
Lect.01 What Are Tools of Thinking?
Lect.04 Intuition, Memory, and ReasonProblems
Lect.05 Sense ExperienceA More Modern Take
Lect.10 Systematic Doubt and R
Lect.02 Which Tools of Thinking Are Basic? - Prof.James Hall - Tools of Thinking
Lect.09 Ancient Logic in Moder
Lect.05 Sense ExperienceA Mor
Lect.19 Normal Science at Mi
Lect.04 Intuition, Memory, and
Lect.20 Modern LogicTruth Tab
Lect.21 Modern LogicSententia
Lect.03 Platonic Intuition, Me
Lect.03 Platonic Intuition, Memory, and Reason - Prof.James Hall - Tools of Thinking
Lect.01 What Are Tools of Thi
Lect.01 What Are “Tools of Thinking”? - Prof.James Hall - Tools of Thinking
Intuition, Memory and Reason—Problems
Lect.24 Rational Empiricism in
Lect.22 Modern LogicPredicate
Further Immediate Inferences
Ancient Logic in Modern Dress
Lect.19 Normal Science at Mi
Lect.22 Modern LogicPredicate
Lect.20 Modern LogicTruth Tab
Lect.21 Modern LogicSententia
What Is Religion
Lect.14 How Teleological Argument Works
Lect.12 How Cosmological Argument Works
Lect.05 How Do Various Theists Use the Word "God"?
Transcendental Talk Is Sound And Fury
Lect.19 Why is Evil a Problem?
Lect.11 Why Ontological Argument is Said to Fail
Lect.32 Language Games and Theistic Discourse
What Are Tools of Thinking
Lect.15 How Teleological Argument Works (continued)
Lect.33 Fabulation—Theism as Story
Lect.06 What is Knowledge?
God Is Beyond Human Grasp
How Ontological Argument Works
Lect.05 Sense Experience˜A More Modern Take
Lect.35 Stories, Moral Progress, and Culture Reform
Lect.34 Theistic Stories, Morality, and Culture
Lect.04 How is the Word "God" Generally Used?
Sense Experience—A More Modern Take
Lect.08 What Constitutes Good Evidence?
Lect.13 Why Cosmological Argument is Said to Fail
Lect.31 Choosing and Changing Paradigms
Lect.07 What Kinds of Evidence Count?
Lect.02 What is Religion?
Lect.36 Conclusions and Signposts
Contd How Teleological Argument Works
Taking Evil Seriously
Observation & Immediate Inferences
Platonic Intuition, Memory & Reason
Lect.21 Non-Justificatory Theodicies
Sense Experience—A More Modern Take
What Are "Tools of Thinking"?
Divine Encounters Make Argument Unnecessary
Language Game And Theistic Discourse
Theistic Stories, Morality, And Culture
Lect.18 Hypotheses and Experiments — A Closer Look
Categorical Syllogisms
Lecture 1: What is Philosophy? CD1 T03
Theistic Stories, Morality, And Culture
Lecture 1: What is Philosophy? CD1 T06
Lect.18 Hypotheses and Experiments — A Closer Look
Why Teleological Argument Is Said To Fail
Categorical Syllogisms
Lecture 1: What is Philosophy? CD1 T05
Lecture 1: What is Philosophy? CD1 T04
Lect.16 Hypotheses and ExperimentsA First Look
28 of 36 - transcendental talk is sound and fury - The Teaching Company - 1424
Lect.18 Hypotheses and ExperimentsA Closer Look
Lect.22 Modern LogicPredicate Arguments
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