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Top Tracks of Ryan Rowland
Worst music video ever
I'll Think About You (rough)
Sheila Can Do It (demo mixdown)
Worst ever
I'll Think About You (acoustic demo)
Heart Strings
20 Minutes Of Rain
Friends Arch Enemies Ahoy [last rough before more recording, May 2021]
This Time
Don't Let Me Go
Don't Let Me Go [09/18/2019 mixdown]
Heart Strings [2002] [2011 remix]
I Want To Ball The Stars Forever [Suicentric "cover", 3/19/2004]
Who Killed Marilyn? [The Misfits cover, a capella harmony test] [November 27, 2021]
Tim Minor To Major [September 2004 guitar demo]
Gets Me By [summer 2005 scrap] [compressed remaster]
Do The Things You Want To [chorus vocal harmony test, 8/15/2005]
Grandma [Potaty Lady version] [Climate cover, 8/19 and 9/4, 2018]
The World Feels So Empty Without You [8/4/2005 melody test, shaky]
No Name 1 Elliott 2006 cover test, acoustic
Don't Say It's Over [chorus harmony test, summer 2006]
Going Away Forever [September 2004 guitar demo]
Bitch Control
Dashboard Depressional [pre-song session] [12/26/2005]
Plastic Improv [fall 2003 guitar & bass improvs]
Grandma [Climate cover, 8/19 and 9/4, 2018]
Morning [early 2005 scrap]
Homies In Tha Hood [fall 2003 demo]
Bitch Control [09/18/2019 mixdown]
This Time [9/28/2019 rough mix]
Bitch Control [09-16-2019 mixdown, guitars, bass, vocals, needs editing, synth, drums]
This Time [early 2005 scrap]
"Instrumental" [10/26/2002] [later 'Perennials' bridge]
Message To Chris [8/1/2005]
Mixed Feelings [solo demo w/ revision ideas to show Disturbing Trend before reunion, 08/29/2005]
Division Song [partial Suicentric cover, unfinished] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Friends Arch Enemies Ahoy [5/4/2021 rough]
[intro] [May 2005 lost demos, no vocals]
The World Feels Empty Without You
:)/:( [early 2004 demo, mix 2, final]
Lastlane [chorus harmony test, summer 2006]
Rainy Piano [summer 2005 demo]
Anorexic Annie ['Presentiment' early, partial]
I Don't Care [2006 version, 2021 remix, no de-esser]
I Want To Ball The Stars Forever [Suicentric 'cover', 3/19/2004]
The Time [early 2005 scrap]
Chaos Style
Why Walk When You Can Run? [early 2005 scrap]
We Suck [early 2004 demo, totally fucked up mix]
Can't Tell No One [Negative Approach cover, incomplete] [fall 2006]
The World Feels So Empty Without You [day-of rough, 9/13/2019]
Sombre [09/22/2019 mixdown]
Hippos [9/28/2019 rough mix]
Superfriend [Weezer cover, partial, 9/23/2005]
You're Such A Drag [acoustic demo, 03/21/2005, 2009 remaster]
Passing Away [4/11/2006 demo] [2/12/2009 remix]
Autumn In Jayne (demo mixdown)
We Suck [with newly integrated 'Pajama Pants' melody as a test] [acoustic demo to show Disturbing Trend, 4/5/2006]
When You're Sleeping [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
No Name 1 Elliott 2006 cover end test
"New Song" [12/21/2002] [elements later appear in "We Suck"]
Friends Of P [The Rentals cover, all acoustic scrap] [7/13/2005]
Fuck City USA
Heart Strings [2002]
E ['Don't Say It's Over'] [early 2005 two-demo composite, 7/14/2010 & 4/17/2017 remix]
Fucker [late 2001 or early 2002]
Passing Away [04/11/2006 demo] [02/12/2009 remix]
Jugband Blues [Pink Floyd cover] [hallway recording, 07/09/2019]
Don't Say It's Over [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Fuck Me
6661490 [acoustic demo to show DT, 4/4/2006]
Smile [live @ 92.7 radio, August 2005] [intro]
Smash [lost riff] [summer 2004]
No Name 1 Elliott 2006 cover end test vocals
'We're Going To Find A Way'/You're Such A Drag [idea, 9/7/2005]
Turnin' Up The Radio [my attempt at bridge lyric revision w/ Autumn In Jayne] [circa May 20th 2008]
Morning [04/08/2006 demo, unedited original mix]
Mowing Youth [late ''Bloodless'' progression] [summer 2004]
Smile ['Shine, Shimmer, Smile'] [early 2004 demo, final mix]
When You're Sleeping [no vocals] [July 2004 demos]
Surf's Up Octave Higher waitforit
Metallifunk [April 2004 incomplete guitar/bass demos]
No Catching This One [Disturbing Trend cover] [test of new acoustic electric guitar, December 2004]
Somber [acoustic arrangement 1] [April 2004 incomplete guitar/bass demos]
Floyd The Barber [Nirvana "cover", late 2001 or early 2002]
Morning [test, around 06/20/2005]
Morning [alt arrangement, late night demo] [8/15/2005] [2013 remix]
Flicker DT [spring 2006 test]
Horror Movie Music ['Invitation'] [08/02/2003 demo]
Morning [April 2004 incomplete guitar/bass demos]
Biscuits ['Reciprocal Biscuits'] [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
Don't Let Me Go [rawk mix]
Uterus Pancakes [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
Bitch Control [09/19/2019 mixdown, louder harmonies]
Horror Movie Music ['Invitation'] [September 2004 guitar demo]
Empty Hands [09/18/2019 mixdown]
Get Away ['Bitter Suppository Reality Hellscape'] [September 2003 demo]
When You're Sleeping [summer 03 guitar demo]
Heart Strings [2002] [alternate vocal and solo, 2011 remix]
Gothic Surfer [2002-12-04] [guitar and vocal demo for bridge section]
Crescent Lake [test with lead guitar, 4/11/2005]
Smile [Songs For Stephanie] [May 2006 acoustic]
I Don't Care ['Bitter Suppository Reality Hellscape'] [early 2004 demo, final mix]
Friends Of P [2005-07-13 all acoustic partial cover]
Plastic Improv [improvised guitar demos, fall 2003]
NFCer 'Scentless Apprentice' cover
When You're Sleeping [summer 2004 demo, no vocals]
Take Me Away From Here [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
Kill Me ['The Boy Who Cried ''Nametag'] [July 2004 demo, drums, no final vocal]
Voice Resonates [04/08/2006 demo, edit]
Kill Me ['The Boy Who Cried ''Nametag'] [keyboards removed] [July 2004 demos]
My Mind Is On You [Beck cover] [incomplete, summer 2006]
Blurry ['Your Voice Resonates'] [April 2004 incomplete guitar/bass demos]
Don't Say It's METAL [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Heart Strings [2002] [alternate vocal and solo, 2011 mix]
The Boy Who Cried ''Nametag'' [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Filler [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
I Don't Care [2006 version, 2021 remix]
Smash [lost riff [summer 2004]
We're Going To Find A Way/You're Such A Drag [idea, 9/7/2005]
Empty Without You
Untitled #2 ['Lastlane'] [early 2004 demo, probably final mix]
Requiem [early 2004 demo]
Harp Instrumental ['Diddow/Oswald Falls Off The Cliff'] [late 2001 or early 2002]
"Intro" [summer 2003 demo]
Gay Christian (Sung In The Key Of Scott Stapp Swallowing Semen) [summer 2003 demo]
Armstrong [1-24-2021 remix]
Gothic Surfer [12/04/2002] [guitar and vocal demo for bridge section]
Jennifer Robinson [2002]
If I Was A Rock Star [March 2006 test]
6661490 [early 2004 demo, mix 1 with vocals]
Morning [2013-05-15] [2010 demo with 2013 vocals, backing vocal compromise]
This Time [04/30/2006 demo, unedited, no vocals]
Empty Hands
Smile ['Shine, Shimmer, Smile'] [live @ 92.7 radio, August 2005] [intro]
The World Feels So Empty Without You [09-15-2019 mixdown, completish, mastered]
Take Control Of Your Life ['Laguna Bitch'] [7/8/2005 instrumental demo]
There Ain't No Gettin' Offa This Train We're On [hella rough/incomplete/bullshit vocals/etc 2011-09-29]
You're Such A Drag [acoustic demo, 2005/03/21, EP remaster]
Dashboard Depressional [vocal take 2] [12/26/2005]
I Did Not Hump You
I Don't Care ['Bitter Suppository Reality Hellscape'] [May 2005 lost demos, no vocals]
No Catching This One [Disturbing Trend cover] [test of new acoustic electric guitar, late 2004]
''Intro'' [Styrofoam Chicken CD intro for Noah, Nick, & Chris] [2017 remaster]
2010-05-15 - Run Around Town [full version, 2013 remix]
2014-04-30 - Gay Christian totez not srs version
Jumpin' Jesus And The God Squad [breaks down]
Going Away Forever [guitar demo]
Everyone-Reports Of [2010-12-10] [unfinished lyrics and structure]
"Surf's Up" octave higher
The Boy Who Cried "Nametag" [March 2006 test]
Shoot Yourself In The Face [2005 demo]
6661490 [acoustic demo to show Disturbing Trend, 4/5/2006]
'That ain't how you spell 'shhhield!''
In My Hands [partial] [summer 2002]
Shoot Yourself In The Face
Don't Say It's Over [early lyrics/melody/mix] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Don Say it's Over [early 05 instrumental demo]
American Gigolo 1
Kill Me [''The Boy Who Cried ''Nametag'''' initial idea] [summer 2004]
Help Me Murry
No Catching This One [late 04 test]
Nutshellish [April 2004 incomplete guitar/bass demos]
Acid Rain [take 1, breaks down] [late 2002 boombox-to-boombox demos]
E ['Don't Say It's Over'] [early 2005 instrumental demo]
Gay Christian (Sung In The Key Of Scott Stapp Swallowing Semen) [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
This Time [04/30/2006 demo, edit, piss poor vocals]
Where The River Flows [Collective Soul "cover", late 2001 or early 2002]
Groovy, Baby ['Bridges'] [initial bass test] [April 2004 incomplete guitar/bass demos]
Stick Around [no vocals] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
"Intro" [Styrofoam Chicken CD intro for Noah, Nick, & Chris] [2017 remaster]
Ramonesish [take 3] [late 2002 boombox-to-boombox demos]
Mowing Youth [later ''Bloodless'' progression] [summer 2004]
Blackjack [April 2004 incomplete guitar/bass demos]
"Instrumental" [12/21/2002] [later 'Perennials' bridge, version 2 guitar solo test]
E ['Don't Say It's Over'] [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
Groovy, Baby ['Bridges'] [April 2004 incomplete guitar/bass demos]
Untitled #3 ['Advanced Darkness'] [early 2004 demo, probably final mix]
6661490 [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
This Is Not Heaven [partial, later 'Somber' bridge]
Smile ['Shine, Shimmer, Smile'] [acoustic remix] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Dashboard Depressional ['Dashboard Depressional v2.6'] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005] [8/5/2010 remix]
Flyswatter [October 2004 incomplete demos, October 21 mixdown]
Laguna Bitch [no vocals, unedited] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
El Scorcho [Weezer cover] [May 2005 lost demos, no vocals]
Kill Me ['The Boy Who Cried ''Nametag'] [July 2004 demos]
Smile [early 2004 demo, final mix]
Unfamiliar [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005] [8/5/2010 remix with scratch vocal]
Dashboard Depressional II [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Smile From The Streets You Hold Tyson's Penis [John Frusciante 'cover', late 2001]
Dashboard Depressional [vocal take 1] [12/26/2005]
We Suck [with newly integrated 'Pajama Pants' melody as a test] [acoustic demo to show DT, 4/5/2006]
Dashboard Depressional II [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005] [8/5/2010 remix]
Friends Of P [Rentals cover, unfinished] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Friends Of P [The Rentals cover, all acoustic demo] [7/13/2005]
Filler [no vocals] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Untitled #3 ['Three'] [early 2004 demo, mix 1 with vocals]
Horror Movie Music ['Invitation'] [8/2/2003 demo]
Kill Me ['The Boy Who Cried ''Nametag'''] [rough, no bass or drums, 7/5/04] [July 2004 demos]
Morning [test, around 6/20/2005]
Filler [no vocals] [Styrofoam Chicken demos, summer and fall 2005]
Untitled #3 ['Three'] [early 2004 demo, mix 1 with vocals]
Horror Movie Music ['Invitation'] [8/2/2003 demo]
Kill Me ['The Boy Who Cried ''Nametag'''] [rough, no bass or drums, 7/5/04] [July 2004 demos]
2014-11-15 - Morning [2010 demo with 2006 ending and 2014 overdubs]
Morning [alt arrangement, late night demo] [2015/8/15] [2013 remix]
I Don't Curr practice 06
thank you [2014 demo]
2007-02-20 - You're Such a Drag (alternate version, acoustic demo)
2002-10-26 - Instrumental (later 'Perennials' bridge)
2002-12-21 - 'New Song' (elements later appear in 'We Suck')
2002-01-24 - Nicole, You Are My Girlie For Life
Smile (final mix)
2008-12-02 - The Prettiest Girl in the Whole Wide World (Weezer cover) (test demo, incomplete)
She Isn't What She Seems [summer 2005 acoustic demo, very incomplete]
Invitation ['Horror Movie Music'] [8/2/2003 demo]
2005-08-29 - Mixed Feelings [solo demo, 2013-08-27 mix]
We Suck [totally fucked up mix]
Don't Say it's METAL
2014-04-27 - Farewell [iffy structured all-bass demo] MIXDOWN
we suck
heroes and villains double tracked
'Instrumental' [2002-12-21] [later 'Perennials' bridge, version 2 guitar solo test]
2005-12-26 - Dashboard Depressional I [vocal take 1]
gothic surfer intro demo
2014-11-15 - Here's To The Life We've Missed [2010 demo with bass and guitar overdub]
Floyd The Barber [early mix] [Nirvana 'cover', late 2001 or early 2002]
Crescent Lake [test with lead guitar]
Morning [2013-05-15] [2010 demo with 2013 vocals, full backing vocals]
Untitled (Voice Resonates)
Crescent Lake [test without lead guitar]
Drunken Slutfest [ending re-dos]
Horror Movie Music [guitar demo]
Hash Pipe [Weezer] [breaks down]
I Want To Ball The Stars Forever [early 2004 'cover']
The Boy Who Cried 'Nametag' [working out lead guitar]
I Don't Care [lost 05 EP rough mix]
Morning 05 acoustic
Don't Play Red Rover test 06
'Who wants a towel in their...'
put me back togehetr (weezer cover)
[unknown, needs title]
Tim Minor To Major [guitar demo]
This Time instrumental demo 06
Untitled (Take me Away)
On My Mind
Jesus Christ
'Ready, aim, fire!' [new years party begins again]
'Don't talk, Zach!'
Paul McCartney
Ellie Goulding
Portugal. The Man
Pink Floyd
Lady Gaga
Sam Smith
Linkin Park
The Weeknd
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