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Listen & view Snorri Sigfús Birgisson, Sigvaldi Kaldalóns, Víkingur Ólafsson, Halla Oddný Magnúsdóttir's lyrics & tabs
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Top Tracks of Snorri Sigfús Birgisson, Sigvaldi Kaldalóns, Víkingur Ólafsson, Halla Oddný Magnúsdóttir
Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619
Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005: I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
Study in Canonic Form Op. 56/1
3 Hungarian Folk Songs from Csík Sz. 35a: I. Rubato
Kaldalóns: Ave María (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C major BWV 1005: Adagio
Játékok, Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage à Borsody László)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a - I. Rubato (Upright Piano)
Where Life and Death May Dwell (Icelandic Folk Song) (Grand Piano)
Das Orgelbuchlein, BWV 599-644: Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (Arr. Kurtág) (Grand Piano)
6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56: No. 1, Nicht zu schnell (Grand Piano)
6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56 No. 1, Nicht zu schnell
The Branch (Az Ág)
3 Hungarian Folk Songs from Csík Sz. 35a: II. L'istesso tempo
Vesperae solennes de confessore, for soloists, chorus & orchestra, K. 339: Laudate Dominum
Intermezzo in E major Op. 116/4
3 Hungarian Folk Songs from Csík Sz. 35a: III. Poco vivo
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: I. The Peacock
Ave María (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
Játékok, Book 5: A Voice in the Distance (Grand Piano)
Birgisson: Where Life and Death May Dwell (Icelandic Folk Song) (Grand Piano)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major (Grand Piano)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116 No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major
Where Life and Death May Dwell (Icelandic Folk Song) (Upright Piano)
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: III. White Lily
Játékok: Book 3. Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major
Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005: I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László) (Grand Piano)
Ave Maria
Trio Sonata No. 1 in E flat major BWV 525: Allegro moderato
Träumerei Op. 15/7
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: II. At the Jánoshida Fairground
Kaldalóns: Ave María (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
Adès: The Branch (Grand Piano)
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: I. Rubato (Grand Piano)
Játékok: Book 5. A Voice in the Distance
Vesperae solennes de confessore in C Major, K. 339: V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
Játékok: Book 1. Little Chorale
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: II. L'istesso tempo (Grand Piano)
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: III. Poco vivo (Grand Piano)
Játékok, Book 1: Little Chorale (Grand Piano)
Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525: I. (Allegro moderato)
Játékok, Book 1: Sleepily (Grand Piano)
Kaldalóns: Ave María (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson)
Kinderszenen, Op. 15 No. 7, Träumerei
Játékok: Book 7. Flowers We Are
Játékok: Book 1. Sleepily
Játékok / Book 5: A Voice in the Distance (Grand Piano)
Játékok: Book 1. Twittering
Waldszenen, Op. 82 No. 7, Vogel als Prophet
Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525: I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág) (Grand Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116 - No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major (Grand Piano)
J.S. Bach: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005 - I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
Játékok, Book 5: Flowers We Are
Játékok: Book 3. Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc)
Adès: The Branch (Upright Piano)
Kinderszenen, Op. 15: No. 7, Träumerei (Grand Piano)
Játékok / Book 1: Little Chorale (Grand Piano)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116 No. 5, Intermezzo in E minor. Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento
Intermezzo in E minor Op. 116/5
Játékok, Book 1: Twittering (Grand Piano)
Birgisson: Where Life and Death May Dwell (Icelandic Folk Song) (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 1: Sleepily (Grand Piano)
Vesperae solennes de Confessore in C Major, K. 339: V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
Játékok / Book 7: Flowers We Are (Grand Piano)
J.S. Bach: Das Orgelbüchlein, BWV 599-644 - Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (Arr. Kurtág) (Grand Piano)
Vogel als Prophet Op. 82/7
Játékok, Book 3: Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Grand Piano)
6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56: No. 1, Nicht zu schnell
6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56: No. 1, Nicht zu schnell (Upright Piano)
Das Orgelbuchlein, BWV 599-644: Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (Arr. Kurtág) (Upright Piano)
Schumann: 6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56 - No. 1, Nicht zu schnell (Grand Piano)
Játékok, Book 1: Little Chorale (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 1: Twittering (Grand Piano)
Waldszenen, op. 82: No. 7, Vogel als Prophet (Grand Piano)
Játékok / Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László) (Upright Piano)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor (Grand Piano)
Ave María (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
Játékok, Book 1: Sleepily (Upright Piano)
Játékok, Book 5: A Voice in the Distance (Upright Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: I. Rubato
Sonata for solo violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005: I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson)
Das Orgelbuchlein, BWV 599-644: Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (Arr. Kurtág)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major (Upright Piano)
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: III. Poco vivo (Upright Piano)
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: II. L'istesso tempo (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 5: A Voice in the Distance (Upright Piano)
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: I. Rubato (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 3: Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Grand Piano)
Játékok / Book 7: Flowers We Are (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 1: Little Chorale (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 1: Twittering (Upright Piano)
Vesperae solennes de Confessore in C Major, K. 339: V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525: I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág) (Upright Piano)
Kinderszenen, Op. 15: No. 7, Träumerei (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 1: Sleepily (Upright Piano)
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C Major, K. 339 - V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116 No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor
Játékok, Book 1: Twittering (Upright Piano)
Játékok, Book 3: Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Upright Piano)
Kinderszenen, Op. 15: No. 7, Träumerei
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3 - Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László) (Grand Piano)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor (Upright Piano)
Waldszenen, op. 82: No. 7, Vogel als Prophet (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 3: Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Upright Piano)
Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op. 15 - No. 7, Träumerei (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1 - Little Chorale (Grand Piano)
Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op. 15 - No. 7, Träumerei (Upright Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a - III. Poco vivo (Grand Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a - II. L'istesso tempo (Grand Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a - I. Rubato (Grand Piano)
7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: I. Rubato (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1 - Sleepily (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1 - Twittering (Grand Piano)
Schumann: Waldszenen, Op. 82 - No. 7, Vogel als Prophet (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 7 - Flowers We Are (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 5 - A Voice in the Distance (Grand Piano)
Birgisson: Where Life and Death May Dwell (Icelandic Folk Song)
Vesperae solennes de Confessore in C Major, K. 339: V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson)
Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525: I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág)
J.S. Bach: Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525 - I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág) (Grand Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116 - No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor (Grand Piano)
Schumann: 6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56 - No. 1, Nicht zu schnell (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3 - Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Grand Piano)
J.S. Bach: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005: I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
Adès: The Branch
Waldszenen, op. 82: No. 7, Vogel als Prophet
Játékok / Book 1: Little Chorale
Schumann: Waldszenen, Op. 82 - No. 7, Vogel als Prophet (Upright Piano)
J.S. Bach: Das Orgelbüchlein, BWV 599-644 - Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (Arr. Kurtág) (Upright Piano)
J.S. Bach: Das Orgelbüchlein, BWV 599-644: Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (Arr. Kurtág) (Grand Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a - II. L'istesso tempo (Upright Piano)
Játékok / Book 1: Sleepily
Játékok / Book 7: Flowers We Are
Játékok / Book 5: A Voice in the Distance
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: III. Poco vivo
Játékok / Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 7 - Flowers We Are (Upright Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116 - No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major (Upright Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major (Grand Piano)
Schumann: 6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56: No. 1, Nicht zu schnell (Grand Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a - III. Poco vivo (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1 - Little Chorale (Upright Piano)
J.S. Bach: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005 - I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116 - No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 5 - A Voice in the Distance (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1 - Twittering (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1 - Sleepily (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3 - Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László) (Upright Piano)
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: I. Rubato
Játékok / Book 1: Twittering
3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: II. L'istesso tempo
Játékok / Book 3: Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major
J.S. Bach: Das Orgelbüchlein, BWV 599-644: Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (Arr. Kurtág)
Schumann: 6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56: No. 1, Nicht zu schnell
Schumann: Waldszenen, Op. 82: No. 7, Vogel als Prophet
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C Major, K. 339: V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3 - Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Upright Piano)
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C Major, K. 339 - V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
J.S. Bach: Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525 - I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág) (Upright Piano)
Schumann: Waldszenen, Op. 82: No. 7, Vogel als Prophet (Upright Piano)
J.S. Bach: Das Orgelbüchlein, BWV 599-644: Christe, du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619 (Arr. Kurtág) (Upright Piano)
J.S. Bach: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005: I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: II. L'istesso tempo
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Little Chorale
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 7: Flowers We Are
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Sleepily
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: III. Poco vivo
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3: Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Twittering
Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op. 15: No. 7, Träumerei
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 5: A Voice in the Distance
J.S. Bach: Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525: I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: III. Poco vivo (Upright Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: II. L'istesso tempo (Upright Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3: Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Upright Piano)
Schumann: Waldszenen, Op. 82: No. 7, Vogel als Prophet (Grand Piano)
Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op. 15: No. 7, Träumerei (Grand Piano)
J.S. Bach: Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525: I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág) (Grand Piano)
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C Major, K. 339: V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3: Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Grand Piano)
J.S. Bach: Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, BWV 525: I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág) (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Twittering (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Sleepily (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Sleepily (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 5: A Voice in the Distance (Upright Piano)
Schumann: 6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56: No. 1, Nicht zu schnell (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 7: Flowers We Are (Upright Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: II. L'istesso tempo (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Little Chorale (Grand Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: I. Rubato (Grand Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major (Upright Piano)
J.S. Bach: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005: I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Little Chorale (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Twittering (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 7: Flowers We Are (Grand Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: III. Poco vivo (Grand Piano)
Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op. 15: No. 7, Träumerei (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László) (Upright Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 5: A Voice in the Distance (Grand Piano)
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C Major, K. 339: V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
No. 1, Nicht zu schnell (Upright Piano)
I. Rubato (Upright Piano)
Flowers We Are (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Sleepily (Upright Piano)
No. 7, Vogel als Prophet (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Sleepily (Grand Piano)
II. L’istesso tempo (Grand Piano)
Játékok, Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László) (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 5: A Voice in the Distance (Upright Piano)
No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major (Grand Piano)
Schumann: 6 Studies in Canonic Form, Op. 56: No. 1, Nicht zu schnell (Upright Piano)
Little Chorale (Grand Piano)
Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 7: Flowers We Are (Upright Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: II. L'istesso tempo (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Little Chorale (Grand Piano)
No. 7, Träumerei (Grand Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: I. Rubato (Grand Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 4, Intermezzo (Adagio) in E Major (Upright Piano)
J.S. Bach: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005: I. Adagio (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
A Voice in the Distance (Upright Piano)
Scraps of a Colinda Melody - Faintly Recollected (Hommage à Farkas Ferenc) (Grand Piano)
Játékok, Book 1: Twittering
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László) (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Little Chorale (Upright Piano)
Twittering (Upright Piano)
Sleepily (Upright Piano)
V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Upright Piano)
V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 1: Twittering (Upright Piano)
A Voice in the Distance (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 7: Flowers We Are (Grand Piano)
Bartók: 3 Hungarian Folksongs from the Csìk, Sz. 35a: III. Poco vivo (Grand Piano)
I. (Allegro moderato) (Transcr. Kurtág) (Upright Piano)
Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op. 15: No. 7, Träumerei (Upright Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 3: Harmonica (Hommage á Borsody László) (Upright Piano)
III. Poco vivo (Grand Piano)
Brahms: 7 Fantasies, Op. 116: No. 5, Intermezzo (Andante con grazia ed intimissimo sentimento) in E Minor (Grand Piano)
Kurtág: Játékok / Book 5: A Voice in the Distance (Grand Piano)
No. 7, Träumerei (Upright Piano)
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C Major, K. 339: V. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Arr. Víkingur Ólafsson) (Grand Piano)
The Branch (Grand Piano)
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